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Caliber, a HL2 Modification...

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 7 Mar 2005.

  1. I won't bore you to tears here.

    The best way to find out what Caliber is about is to simply visit their website and decide for yourself:


    BTW, I've become one the artists on their team... but you'll have to wait and see what my first model is for them!
  2. Well now, part 1-of-2 of my first contribution to the mod is now complete... all that's left on it to be done is to be skinned and have a rig added, then it will be ready for testing.

    Expect a media-release in a week or two. For obvious reasons I can't talk about it until they do a press announcement, but I will say it will play a "pivotal" role in the mod.
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2005
  3. Sweet, I'll keep an eye out.
  4. We've made our second huge update.

    Goto the site to see the details!
  5. ya, i saw that update on halflife2.net the other day. It all looks spiffy

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    Looks pretty cool. Any time frame till completion looks like there is still quite a bit to be done.
  7. For this project we are opting to work on one empire at a time, so we can get everything just right before moving on to something else. As for a date I have no idea, but we have a lot of things planned for our next media release.

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