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Caliber - Torque 3D vs UDK

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 3 May 2012.

  1. Y'know I'm really ashamed to say it but, when I'm trying to talk about something potentially important and play a game at the same time, the latter takes priority and a partly-goldfish mentality sets in. I do remember some of what was discussed during the chat the other night about Torque 3D, and I have read through the pages on GarageGames, but I think a thread on the matter might be better to refer from when one of us is not around to talk.

    I would be interested in seeing people's Conceptual/3D Animation/Programming portfolios - currently there is only four of us (two of which are the owners) from the original project...

    We also have discussions via Steam Voice Chat on Sundays when we're able; between 10am-1pm EST.
    Last edited: 5 May 2012
  2. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    Saieno was talking with you about this last night, and he can't read this forum :F
  3. If he's applying to the clan you could always move the thread... if not, I'll try and catch him later tonight.

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