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Call of Duty 4 Modern combat video

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 21 Aug 2007.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Call of Duty 'perks' video

    Interesting viewing, and a new take on the way "development" of your character is handled. Its not just weapon unlocks now but interesting powers..

    They show a firefight, and then the abilities the different players had and how it helped them in the game.

    Like the one guy has 'bomb squad' ability, which allows him to see c4 packs, so he's likely to avoid the booby trap, whereas a player without it runs right on in.

    I particularly like 'last stand' which I'm assuming when you die, lets you hang on for a bit longer to give a big 'screw you' to your killer; which happens at the end of the video.

    Interesting that its not just weapons and they're actually putting some thought into customization of your avatar.

    streaming version available at shacknews
    Last edited: 14 Sep 2007
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Yea , waiting for this game to come out

    One of the guys at my work went to the first peak a few weeks ago and said it was awesome , he's already got a spot when beta comes out. Going to go over there and see it first hand when beta finally hits.

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