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Camp Humphreys Korea - Protest 2005

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Bick, 10 Jul 2005.

  1. Well, I can begin to explain what happened today. I was called out of bed at 0500 today and i was to report to the PDF (Perimeter Defence Force) shed. I arrive fully geared and ready to go thinking it was a drill. Well boy was I wrong. At this time there where about 2000 protesters arriving at the crash gate on out post. and another 8000 where to show up to make a total of 10000 protesters. The protest is about a move thats happening where the majority of US Forces will be relocated to the camp I'm currently stationed at. The protesters (mostly college students) believe its the US fault that the Korean government is not paying the local civilians surounding our post enough money for the land that will be bought by the US for the move.

    Now to the horror that took place. I was put into a watch tower to make sure none of them breach the perimeter and to report anything i see in to HQ. My sector was relativly quiet but i could here the maddness from afar. Suddently a truck with a grabing arm pulled up with about 500 protesters and ripped the fence and tried storming on post. The korean national police had 12000 officers around the base and tried keeping them from entering the police officers were wailing away on them but they would not stop there drive for post. Over 500 of the officers were seriously injured and im still not sure of casualties that may have accured. Many of the living quarters were evacuated due to the protesters ripping holes in the fences. I was soon called to the hospital to help treat the injured because I'm combat life saver certified. I saw and treated many koreans with broken arms legs serious head trauma, heat stroke and so on. Then i was called back to duty to wittness a fight between two protest. So it seems there was a counter protest that was Pro-US and they engaged the others and i saw mayhem on the streets in the town right outside of the post.

    Some of the Korean police officers where getting beaten so bad that us soldiers on post had to cut the fence go out and drag the injured back while the fighting accured. I'm trying to type what happened in some sort of order but its really kinda crazy. It's not a war but i will be damned if its not just as much of a mind F***.

    Thankfully I'm ok. Had to duck my head from a rock here and there, but all is well. Just thought i would share one of my wildest days in korea. Deffently like no other.

  2. craziness.... :( .... hopefully no one did die

    Glad your ok
  3. holy crap! be safe and take care of yourself over there....
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Lock and load and keep safe.
  5. You'd think something of this magnitude would get News coverage.

    As of this time, I can't find anything at all about it.
  6. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I'm glad you're alright. Brave of you to cut the fence and retreive the injured. <3

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    don't get me started on the media....but I'm glad your okay bick
  8. Oh sure.... post it on the guild message board and don't send your old man an e-mail? ;) Just kidding. You knew I would read this here.

    All I have to say is "Holy Horse Stuff Batman!!!".

    Well... Actually, I have a bit more to say. :D

    Glad you came out of your first combat situation well enough to write about it. Those pantywaste kid protesters will most likely never know how lucky they are to be alive. Attacking a US Mil base is justification to use deadly force to repel. It is only by the grace of our Mil Leader's good sense that we did not open fire.

    The other thing is that if not for us (The USA), those piss ant little craps would not have the freedom to protest anything without their own government mowing them down where they stand. :mad:

    You cannot say it, but I sure can. I would tell them that if they do not like what is happening, they can all go live in NORTH Korea and see how much they like THAT!

    What the hell is it with spoiled rotten brat little shits that makes them so stupid?

    End rant mode.

    Good Job Son! [​IMG]
  9. Well done! You handled yourself well in a tough situation. :D
  10. Wow, I'm rather surprised they had an artical even more so they had pictures!!!

    But at least now some of you can see the crazieness!!!!

    So silly looking with those big'ole sticks.

  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Good article. But sadly it will never happen. Once we pull out of those countries and they all start going to shit, those same countries will hate us for leaving perpetuating a circle of hate. We've been screwed by our own Domino Theory. Now, when we need the troops, they're all deployed to other countries.
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I wish somebody would think about this stuff for once, too. Can you imagine if we decided to take the mindset of the terrorist or oppressive regime? I mean really take that mindset and apply it to the rest of the world?

    -We could clean off any country we wanted with nukes and make it a parking garage for our armor.

    -We could invade any country we wanted and with overwhelming force kill EVERY person by carpet bombing, not just hit military targets with pinpoint, EXPENSIVE, weapons preserving as many civilian lives as possible.

    -Abu Ghrab? Gitmo? Why keep prisoners? Just kill them all and that way we don't have to provide three hots and a cot.

    -Foreign aid? You're kidding, right? Invade the country of our choice and steal the resources needed to supply our needs or just make more room for us to live on.

    It is a good thing for this world we are a country that doesn't live by the terrorist/oppressive regime thought process - a good thing indeed.
  14. That reads like it was written by a bitchy ten year old whose parents have to much money, not that I would expect anything better from the media at this point. I hate the fact that I have to share a species with degenerates like that.
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2005
  15. It's just really surpriseing to me how quickly people forget. They won't forget everytime a US soldier is in a car accident and a Korean civilian is killed in the crash, but they sure will forget that 50 years ago when the people of this country were pushed to southernmost part of it while the north koreans invaded burning towns and cities and killing anyone in the way. Then the US showed pushed them north and regained control of Seoul the capitol city and developed a stable economy and given them there freedom. Although the Koreans are very intelligent and do many years of schooling they don't even teach what had happened back in the 50's in this country. There history books speak nothing of the korean war. Kind of odd to me.

    I found this ammusing also...
    My girlfriend was telling me at the colleges there are flyers posted sometimes that say things such as

    Do you want to join a rally?
    It's being held by "such and such organization"
    If you sign up we will pay you $40.
    Place "where ever, its not always a military post"

    and alot of the times the students don't even know what the rally is about.

    I guess some people have nothing better to do with there time than to beat the very people who protect you on a daily basis.

  16. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I am curious about your post, Incompetent. How do you feel about these countries that constantly protest against us?
  17. People disagree occasionally, suck it the fuck up and deal with it like adults. Having a bunch of our people going on some bitch-fest victim rant in front of the world (i.e., the net) just does the protesters job for them.
  18. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Ahhh, okay. I see your perspective. Agreed, sometimes it does just seem like we should ignore them and press on.

    I think you should email Neil Cavuto and tell him "Never do that again."


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