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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 17 Jul 2006.

  1. Anyone else with a 360 and Live playing any Chromehounds? I've only had time to play a little of the single player and popped into Multi to see what its like. The ongoing war is nice, though hardly even matched. The mech customization is fairly nice and amount of strategy needed is fun stuff. I'm on as Dracowolfe if anyone else is.
  2. when you say ongoing war, is it a persistent single server? I didn't get the game yet, but was thinking about ti.
    my live name is galewind12.
  3. I think there are 3 factions. There is a war, and I am guessing when one side has won or after a certain time its over and it starts over and you can change factions? Not totally sure, but I think its already on the 2nd war, if so its pretty fast. I saw on some forums ppl were already waiting for the 3rd war. Its hard to find good info.

    There is a map of the region with about 10-12 control points I am guessing. You can see how many of your factions forces and enemies are at a location. Theres also alerts on certain areas to focus attacks.

    The starting cash amount is enough to buy a good amount of parts for your mech and start doing missions. So far multi is defintely the best part.
  4. Yep, wars are fast. One ended last night and next one already going. I made a squad, Draconus Lupus, and a great DragonWolf embleem. Loving the mech customization. The multiplayer missions are still a pain to figure out. All I want to do is get into a map against live players, but that doesn't seem to be going well. Maybe some more time to mess with it I'll figure it out. Did some online vs cpu to make some nice cash and hook my mech up some more.
  5. how many players can be in a server?
  6. I've heard more than a few bad criticisms about the game from a campaign-standpoint, but I hope the MP is ok.
  7. There is defintely alot of room for improvement. But there is a great base there also. I'd love it if they put this out on pc and put out a full SDK for modders. It could turn into an incredible game.

    The multiplayer has me a little bewildered. All I've been able to get into are vs cpu matches online for cash. Just trying to do 1on1 pick up matches I just constantly get kicked back to menus.
  8. I don't whether they fixed it unless you complete at least one of the SP-campaigns or something. You may have to do that before MP lets you fight a human opponent.

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