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Chronicles of Spellborn

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 8 Dec 2005.

  1. PlanetSide meets WoW...

    Maybe its "God help Us" like PS eventually was, or maybe its something shiny and new like my own thing plans on being. A preview recently done by IGN on the game can be seen at the link below:There is also a closed beta for the Northern US and Europe running. Registering can be found here. In order to be eligible, you will also need an account at their forums and have their "remember me" option active at the forum for it to work, but once this is done you are guaranteed with a chance as opposed to those who don't.
    Last edited: 8 Dec 2005
  2. A new, 6min trailer for TCoS has been released, however this is actually more a custom-built music video called "The Howling"; created with the help of a band known as Within Temptation.

    Because of the nature of this video it is not available yet on gaming sites, but I have been able to extract an FLV-copy of the video from YouTube. I was wondering if I could host it on the CDL website for members to view, and then they could give their comments about it -- and pursuing the game for our clan -- on this thread?
    Last edited: 1 Dec 2006
  3. How big is it Hynch?
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  5. Yeah I know that, but it's actually a good song. I thought people would've wanted the music video to keep if they were interested...

    I'm offering the same thing, just without needing to sign up to their site just for one vid (I can also convert it to wmv if you like).

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