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City of Heroes presell info

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by schrike, 17 Mar 2004.

  1. Pre-order, Beta, and Launch Information

    We know you all have questions about pre-orders, the how and when about getting into the beta and (yeah!) launch day. The following information answers your pre-order and beta questions and gives you an excellent timeline in regards to important dates to know - including the official launch day.
    Pre-order customers will be let in to the Beta in controlled groups (by the thousands) beginning March 22nd! All Pre-order customers are GUARANTEED entry to the Beta by April 7th. Your best chance to get into the Beta is by reserving your copy of City of Heroes now!

    The Details:

    1) What’s in it for me if I Pre-order City of Heroes?
    We’ve gone to great lengths to “reward” gamers who reserve City of Heroes. Here’s a quick list of all the perks:

    GUARANTEED entry to BETA
    A head start on the Production Servers early! All Pre-order customers will get to jump in the weekend before Launch!
    Cool concept art, e-comic, screen shots and trailer on the limited-run pre-order bonus disc.
    Receive a special “Sprint Prestige Power” (type varies by retailer)
    Reserve a Character Name for Launch! (see details below)
    Most importantly-You don’t want to miss out on the most novel, exciting experience to hit the MMORPG market.
    2) I want to get into the beta-what can I do to increase my chances of being invited?
    The only way to GUARANTEE entry into the Beta is to reserve a copy of the game and receive a free Pre-order bonus disc (this typically requires $10 down payment, but is subject to variation based on the specific retailer)

    3) How soon will Pre-order customers be invited to the Beta?
    Starting March 22nd we will be randomly adding Pre-order customers by the thousands. All customers are guaranteed entry to Beta by April 7th.

    4) Are there other ways to receive a Beta invite?
    Absolutely. We’ll be hosting a Public Beta Sign-up within the next couple of weeks. Also, keep any eye out on all the major online gaming sites as they will be hosting Beta account contests and giveaways. However, the majority of the people to be added to the Beta between now and launch will be pulled from the pre-order registration pool.

    5) How does the character name reservation system work?

    To reserve a Character Name for Launch, a player must have participated in the Beta.
    The Character Name in the first slot of the in-game “character selection screen” will be reserved.
    These names will only be reserved for two weeks after launch, at which time the reserved name lists will no longer be valid.
    6) Will I be able to use my Beta Character in release?
    We will be wiping the Beta databases before launch. However, ONLY Pre-order customers will be given a 3-day head start on the production servers.

    7) A Re-cap of Dates to Know:

    March 22nd – Begin Adding Pre-order Customers to Beta
    March 29th – Host Public Beta Sign-up
    April 7th – All Pre-Order Customers Invited to Beta
    April 14th – Randomly Selected Public Beta Invites Sent Out
    April 22nd – Beta shutdown to prepare for Launch
    April 25th – 3-Day Pre-order only Head Start
    April 28th – Launch!

    got mine alredy waitin for my invite :D

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