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Codename: Panzers

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Derfud, 18 Aug 2004.

  1. I recently downloaded both the demos for this game, and damn, it is sweet. There are a huge number of units to choose from, and they are all quite useful in their own way. You have to use infantry to man artillery positions, and the heavier ones, such as flak, need to be towed by trucks to move at all, lighter ones can be pushed, very slowly however. There is a great deal of realism in the way units can behave. Infantry go prone when they are being fired upon, and if you want, you can force them to stand and run for better cover in a building. The possible unit combinations are nearly endless.

    Another cool feature is the late and early war army selections. So you can choose weather you want to be fighting with technology from early in the war, or late in the war, along with specifying the amount that each commander can spend on their army.

    Cant forget about air power. The game lets you call in paratroopers, bombing runs, bombing strikes, and heavy artillery fire from "off the map", which are essential for putting the hurt down on the enemie's force.

    Check it out:

  2. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    This looks like yet another Sudden Strike or Blitzkrieg only prettier. I'd rather see them put something out with this timeline but in Cossacks fashion... build and battle. Cossacks was great fun and the online battles were huge!

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