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Company of Heroes Blitzkrieg MOD

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Kindu, 17 Apr 2012.

  1. this is a total conversion mod. You have to dl the 70mb file and the update and hotfix. it puts a unique luancher icon on your desktop. This is a cool mod. i think you COH cronies will really like the changes. much more strategic, new units, new abilities. good stuff.

    see you in COH

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I tried installing it and it said it doesn't run right with Steam CoH.
  3. doh, steam coh.

    dont know if this will help

    BTW, revolution are you using steam? that may be a problem. what i did to get my steam version to work was hit "Add Non Steam Game" then found RelicCoH and added it, then named it "Blitzkrieg Mod" and changed the target path.

    Last edited: 18 Apr 2012

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