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Company of Heroes Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 4 Sep 2010.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Check it out:

  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Got signed up for it. Will dl when I get home :D
  3. I signed up and I'm trying to dl, but I'm getting sad downstream so it'll take a while.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, this is actually kind of fun. Interesting approach to this legendary game.
  5. I noticed that if you had the previous games installed a large portion of the game didn't need to be downloaded
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Saw this earlier, very sad :(
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    This game is still pretty fun, but I am still rather torn on it. On the one hand you get some pretty neat upgrades for individual units you would not have in the base game. You also get hero units that can level and get better abilities.

    However - So far I still favor the base game. I will try this out a bit more of course since it is still COH at its heart.. but the lack of things from the main game are rather disheartening.
    • No Custom maps
    • Stuck to a specific doctrine
    • No expansion units (ie: hellcat)
    • Abilities only become available once you have placed points into that tree. You cannot pick a tree once the game starts.
    And at its core it adds yet another thing to this game that is in EVERY GAME recently.. LEVELS. Now you have to level in order to gain access to all sorts of new stuff. You can buy (with money at release) additional units and upgrades.

    If COH started like this I doubt I would have played it as long. The bonus here is that I can just go back to the original game and have everything I want without all the strings. :lol:

    I think that was enough of a rant.. lol
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I've only played through some of the single player campaign (again) to see what was different and it's exactly the same as far as I can see.

    Multiplayer sounds interesting, as long as you don't have to pay or level to unlock EVERY new unit, especially if you'll be playing against people who've already unlocked more units than you.

    Hero units sound interesting, but what kind of unit upgrades do you get?

    For multiplayer I was going to wait and let Mani settle back into the "old" style of play, forgetting about all the units he hated in the expansion (snipers/mortars) and then bring them back into style.. It's the ultimate sneak attack.
  9. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    The hero units are not very heroic, they just gain experience through which they are awarded special abilities. One of these "special abilities" is throwing grenades. (I was able to do that in the Army, so I guess I was a heroic unit level one.) Of course, as you level the unit, other specialties come into affect. Sticky bombs, better aim, etc.

    I am like Hamma. I am torn. The matchmaking process blows. I got matched in my first match with a level 14 and I was level 1. Needless to say, he smoked me with little effor. In fact, he rolled me with one sniper, one Greyhound, one HMG unit and a flamethrower engineer unit. It was bad.

    In the next match, TB and I went in and got matched with 20+ level opponents while we were 10 level or less. But, losing a match you still get XP and supply, so that was good.

    The jury is out.
  10. yeah, same game with some leveling twists. In the regular game you get all the tech tree available in a single game and the ability to do a different tech tree without leveling another toon. The hero units ARE not Heroic, they die just as easy, but they are a unique twist with their abilities that the base game doesnt have. Overall its the same game with some good points and bad points that hamma summed up pretty well. The best part about this game is that it looks like its gooing to be free. So if you havent played COH. then this is a great way to play the game.
  11. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    so done with this online one , going back to other
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Seconded. :lol:
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, so I am beginning to enjoy this game. Sure, you will get pounded occasionally if you play PvP, but playing as the Germans, I have had some of the most enjoyable games lately.

    Me and Swifty pulled out some startling wins from almost certain defeat. In one game of 4v4, the two randoms dropped on us and left us with two weak AI partners. We actually won that map against the Americans. It got right down to the wire, but we won a startling victory. Very satisfying.

    So, if you can get by being trounced occasionally I think you will begin to enjoy this game. Sure, it is frustrating when they zerg you, but it's not like the end of the world. You still get supply, rank, and you still get rewards, albeit at a reduced rate, so it isn't a total loss like in the older version where you could actually lose rank from losing.

    Look us up. My German commander's name is GotyerSichs. Swifty is Achtswift, and Asp is VonAspKraut.
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I was swearing at my computer last night in a 1v1 on normal comp.. "Stop #&$*ing zerging me!!!! " Bastards.. Clearly I need more work, I'm rusty. I need my Mani/Swifty meat shields, and I feel naked without my massed artillery.
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I played a 1v1 last night too. It was one of the best 1v1 maps I have ever played. Me and this random guy fought like wildcats right down until the end where I ended up winning. He had 0 tickets and I had 98-ish. It was just absolutely a knife-fight to the end. I finally broke him near the end when he made a 4 tank/2 ranger platoon/2 rifle platoon rush towards one of the VPs and using two STuGs, two platoons of Stormtroopers one mortar crew and one nebelwerfer crew, I snapped the assault. I finished it off by bringing in a Panzer IV to chase down and kill his last tank. I ended up with only 3 guys in one of the Stormtrooper platoons alive and the Panzer IV. (He actually sniped my nebelwerfer crew to death, but a nearby bunker got the sniper.)

    I actually shouted when I won. Crazy, but exhilarating.

    Great stuff...
  16. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I think my biggest deficiency right now is I don't know the german units at all.. Still.. After all this time.. I always played U.S. or British.
    So I was constantly getting zerged last night because I was making piecemeal units that I was familiar with (machine gun teams, tanks), and the comp being able to multi-task was able to assault me on one end and snipe my unobserved units at the other.
    I rarely made lots of infantry, I always go for tanks; I never know what units are best for the germans to make.. Probably the reason I struggle.. I'd probably have been overrun immediately by your opponent Mani. :)
  17. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I have found with the Germans the best early combination is the MG42 (for suppression of infantry), the mortar (German mortars are brutally accurate), a PaK crew (AT, camouflaged), and when possible a Puma to react to snipers or infantry zergs.

    The German side in end game is the strongest because of the armor. Once you mix in some STuGs with the MG42 crews and mortar crews, you have a lethal combination.

    The Americans have sticky bombs which are very lethal to armor, not to mention the Rangers. Rangers can rush the MG42s, so it is nice to have interlocking fields of fire with other MG42s or bunkers.

    My steps, and I am not saying they are the best--just the ones I use, are to create two engi units and send one the capture a fuel/ammo point that is connected. The other engi unit begins building the first building which gets me the MG42. Then I send the remaining engi unit to capture another point. Once the first building is up, I send that engi unit to capture a point. I immediately produce an MG42 unit and send them to a tactical defense point. I alternately then either capture more points or retreat an engi unit to create the veterancy building. If I go this route, once it is built, I give my MG42s one level of experience. If I don't go this route, I usually get the next battle phase next.

    It all depends on the map and what resources are nearby and how many teammates you have and what they are doing.

    Good stuff.
  18. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I've never really liked playing German, like Asp I think I only touched it once or twice.

    I will give this game one last chance.. I really despise playing against humans. :lol:
  19. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    It was actually pretty fun Hamma, as long as you're playing with people you know, I don't mind.. I heard Swifty and Mani eek out some sort of hail mary win while I was playing the tutorial for points.. Then the 3 of us played with some other stooge..
    I was basically little more than a nebelwerfer battery (until I got angry and made TANKS!!), providing little support really; and despite me being a handicap (ok, my V1 nukes were somewhat useful) we came back after falling behind mid game and pounded out a win. It was actually pretty fun.

    I just have no interest in playing 1v1 with some stranger who's just going to proceed to out produce and zerg me to death.

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