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Crysis BETA!

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 17 Sep 2007.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    woo! in! thanks Hynch!
  2. Ugh, I keep freaking missing it!!!
  3. The best way to make sure everyone here, wanting to get a key, is to download the special Crysis version of Gamespy Comrade. Then it warn you by sending a message 20 minutes before each set of keys are given out.
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    The game looks beautiful, though I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. Had a couple weird menu lockups, but the game is fun overall. Looks fantastic in dx9, apparently lots of physics not in place until dx10.

    Gotta experiment with it more tonight
    Last edited: 18 Sep 2007
  5. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    they have more keys
  6. YAY!!! Got my key, woot.
  7. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    It's actually pretty fun.. A shooter where you have to be careful not to get killed too often.. Just hiding out behind cover deep in the jungle underbrush sniping defenders holding a critical bunker is pretty immersive..
  8. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Got to play a few mins , and it rocks on dx10
  9. I don't know what it is with me and betas, but they always seem to crash!

    Having said that my time has been mostly enjoyable and the effects are awesome.
  10. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    It's crashed and locked up a few times on me as well hynch, so its not just you..

    Gameplay takes some getting used to, and I'm not a fan of the "prestige points" or whatever they are. Basically everyone starts out with a pistol or a rocket launcher; and don't get me started on lobbing a rocket into an enclosed area and my target absorbs the blast sometimes, and sometimes he doesn't..
    They need to start people off with more points, or lower the cost of some of the basic weaponry in the game. It doesn't make sense that I have to pay extra for a rifle but i can afford an anti-tank rocket right off the bat.

    The game is beautiful, and squad based play is rewarded (especially in this PuG environment), as alone you have virtually no chance against a mildly organized group.

    The gameplay is really smooth as well, considering the extreme graphics, no noticable lag or frame drop for me.. :)
  11. Have to play some more tonight and learn a little more of the gameplay. Wasn't overly impressed though. Felt very inaccurate at times. Combat is pretty much sniper and face to face. Also seems whoever got the drop first wins. Mutliple times I was able to take out 2+ guys with machine guns when I just had a pistol. And every single time someone got drop on me they beat me.

    Also playing TF2 beta, and wow. Loving it. One of the most polished and best put together games I've seen in a long time.
  12. ...gotta say, though, anybody managed to pick up the Alien Minigun yet -- infinite ammo, baby :)
  13. It's pretty much, capture and keep the prototype factory until you have nukes, build a singularity tank, and fire it into whichever base. The game is pretty as hell, fun in that battlefieldish sort of way, but lacks the re-playability of TF2, which is definitely one of the better team based FPS released since, forever.
  14. Well this is only one map, so for an MP Beta is probably sucks compared to most for an offering.

    However, it will be a while before the actual game is released so I think we should have a TS channel for the time being for those (besides just me) who want to play.
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    You got the beta?! post a review of TF2 :brow:
  16. If you pre-order the Orange Box, you get to play TF2 now instead of whenever in October. ;) I was originally going to buy just TF2 and Portal but apparently TF2 is going to cost $30, portal will cost $20, but the bundle costs $45.

    So, what to say about TF2. Here, I'll make a new thread, since this is probably going to be kind of long.
  17. I get really nervous when you have to pre-order just to play a beta...
  18. Yeah, it was a shitty tactic but I was going to buy it all anyway.

    As for Crysis, there is a learning curve that most people have not figured out yet that makes the gameplay somewhat lackluster right now. The main objective is to hold the prototype factory as well as power plants that slowly charge the prototype factory until it is capable of producing nuclear devices. The singularity tank is just one of multiple options. Generally you can take your tank and just drive it over to the enemy base and blow it up. This is because 90% of the people playing don't even understand that the object is to prevent the enemy from nuking your base. They see the giant nuclear icon over the person wherever they are on the map but never seem too interested in intercepting them.

    When more people get a hang of the game, I'd imagine some awesome gameplay is going to happen. You'll find out pretty quickly that a singularity tank wandering off on its own will be vaporized before it gets half way to the enemy base. They aren't cheap either. It will take a coordinated team effort to escort the tank and protect it while it charges and fires. Anybody with a rocket launcher (easy to get) and a vantage point on the tank can take it out with minimal difficulty. Meaning it is more about escorting the tank. You need to capture all of the spawn points around the path the tank will be going to avoid players spawning and owning it with rockets.

    Suffice to say, when people start to figure out how to play and what they are supposed to do, the game will get much better.
  19. The Singularity Tanks are extremely fast, and unless a few of you have a Rocket Launcher handy you're not going to be able to blow it up. It takes about 7 rockets to kill them...

    There was even one game where the enemy deployed three of them :(

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