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Curious ....

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Meow Yen, 5 Jan 2006.

  1. Not sure if you all remember me, *shrugs* If so, what is everyone doing now? Is there any recommendations as far as games that you all might be playing?

    Happy New Year

  2. Why hello dere!

    Don't know about any games seeing as how I don't have a computer at home.
  3. Well we are currently into Planetside and WoW....I'm not sure what other games are going strong right now. We have some that are into City of Villians and BF2 but I don't how many of us are in those. PS and WoW are the 2 biggest right now.
  4. Is planetside free yet? ;p
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Not yet unfortunately.. haha

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