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D7 Peacemaker: Nightfall

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 24 Nov 2004.

  1. This may sound a little interesting to some, and worthless to others, but here goes. This thread is also in relation to my siganture below...

    About the end of April this year, I went to the anime-movie developer Dementia7 Studios LLC about doing a mod based on one of their stories, D7 Peacemkaer: Stage 1. At the time, they themselves were thinking about doing a game somewhere down the road, and I stated to them that the mod would be built as a prototype which they could evaluate, and then later commission as a game (under 'Royalty' conditions) should they desire it

    This image and original details on it can be found here, in the D7Studios Newsletter Archives.

    With these words they agreed, and we started a long cataloguing of possible ideas for the mod, which would be built in the SOURCE Engine. This wonderful project I spent a fair amount of time on, however, was later terminated by them in mid-August, as they didn't have the resources to do a movie, mod and game all at once.

    But... things since then have changed somewhat.

    (If I am reading their replies to me correctly) the movie that they were working on, Nightfall, will now be converted into a Game-Project, and their work will instead continue on developing their ENTIRELY 3D sequal-movie, Prodigal Child. As you can imagine, I'm sincerely happy at the fact they are calling me back to work for them - under a formerly-promised paid contract, of course - as a Junior Gameplay Designer and 3D Artist, which I was on the other mod beforehand for free!

    For the moment, it is doubtful that this will be anything but a free download, but maybe we will find someone to sponsor us for retail, so we can buy the SOURCE Engine for publishing rights. As I really shouldn't be telling you any of this (becuase I will be signing an NDA shortly), I would appreciate it if this doesn't go any further than either the CDL Private Forums or the TS Servers, at least until we do a full press-release.

    If you wish to keep track of how this project progresses from time to time, you may simply click the link I have added to my signature.
    Last edited: 24 Nov 2004
  2. This has been out a while now, but it's still current (more or less):

    D7Peacemaker© - Nightfall
    Video Game
    In Progress

    Set in future Texas, D7Peacemaker - Nightfall tells the story of D7; a young girl training to become an elite government agent known as a Peacemaker. Having failed her final training mission, D7 must retake it with the help of her bodyguards called Asylum Models, Sakura and Snow, yet all the while she is hunted by a mysterious man.

    D7's mother, a government assasin called a Vengeance Model, V1, must stop the mysterious man before he can reach D7, yet the closer V1 comes, the more she discovers about an attempt to overthrow the government, which can only be stopped by her unknowing daughter in the virtual traning mission, Stage1.

    Due date TBA

    Official Cast List [021404]
    D7 Peacemaker - Katie King
    V1 Vengeance Model - Wendy Powell
    Sakura Grey - Marisa Gonzalez
    Snow Lemming - Linda Young
    Capt. Jynetik Lajiko - Cynthia Cranz

    V9 Vengeance Model - Brittany Lair
    Sgt. Honig - Kyle Hebert
    Nathan Elliot - John Burgmeier
    Prof. Grayfin Henmore - Mark Lancaster
    James Applemon - Richard Keller
    D59 -
    D34 -
    D58 -
    D78 -

    Lonnie Rigor - Jimmy Paleschic
    Kelso Rigor - Tony Hobdy
    Officer John - Robert Kirkley

    Cream Puff - Stephanie Nadolny
    Tracy Raport - Sherry Ann LaBelle
    Vengeance Model Xtras - Katharine Kuzia

    Pvt. Merit - Mark Lancaster
    Pvt. Jones - Arik Renee Avila
    LED Guard 1 - Arik Renee Avila
    LED Guard 2 - Mark Lancaster
    Lab Doctor 1 - Zach Davis
    Lab Doctor 2 - Kyle Hebert

    Ghost Police Short
    Edi Makimage - Brittany Lair
    Niko Lorenzo Tate - Arik Renee Avila

    Grayfin Henmore's Receptionist - Linda Young
    WeaponNext - Kyle Hebert
    Lab Announcer - Kyle Hebert
    Girl in Crowd - Brittany Mitchell

    Grayfin's Announcer -
    LPT Dev Facility Announcer -
    D7 and V1's Announcer -
    Newspaper Announcer -

    Official Crew List [021404]
    Director - Arik Renee Avila
    Assistant Voice Director - Mark Lancaster
    Producers - Tony Hobdy
    Arik Renee Avila

    Screenwriter - Arik Renee Avila

    Script Editors - Shannon Terrill
    Mc Farland Campbell
    Ed Viator
    Jason Brookshier

    Composer - Bruce Faulconer
    Assistant Composer - Julius Dobos
    Sound Engineers - Chris Weton
    Lyric Tinsley
    Audio Recordist - Lyric Tinsley
    Chris Weton

    Casting Coordinators - Lisa Faulconer
    Tony Hobdy

    Audio Coordinator - Lisa Faulconer
    Assistant Coordinator - Jaime Phillips
    HD Consultant - John McCalmont

    Dallas Coordinators - Shanon Terrill
    Aaron Gwin

    Marketing Materials - Arik Renee Avila
    Marketing Coordinators - Tony Hobdy
    Arik Renee Avila

    Press Secretary - Arik Renee Avila

    Editors - Arik Renee Avila
    Tony Hobdy
    Rick Bones

    2D/3D Animation - Arik Renee Avila
    Character Design
    Motion Graphics


    Website Membership
    25 dollars, does not include shipping.
    Includes Free DVD D7Peacemaker - Stage1
    Free 11"x17" poster
    Access to Members Website - includes 32 minutes of Pre Prodcution footage from feature.

    And er, yeah, 32-mins of footage from the now originally drafted ideas for it as a movie (unless it's changed since then, its a 15-min Animatic and a demo reel). Note: On those forums I am known as Tiletron.

    Now the Members Site has been taken down, so I will have to put some stuff up somewhere if you want to see images of the movie, but I can be 'persuaded' to convert the 3 Animatics from the movie to .WMV and send them to you, if anyone would like to watch the 3 different takes on the movie's opening-intro...
    Last edited: 27 Nov 2004
  3. Ok, I've spoken to Arik about the Member's Site... it is not the result of changing the movie to a game. He's getting their tech-guy, Rick, to have a look at the code to see what's wrong.
  4. As of this moment, the Forums are down, the login-system at the Nightfall Member's Site, as are certain bits of code and sections for the company site. While this is annoying, the last time this happened it was because they were about to make some massive alterations to part of their worls. One small noticable sign of this is, now, the company shows Prodigal Child as their movie-project... Arik's Staff Bio has also been updated to reflect that Nightfall is no longer their first movie.

    With my signing of the NDA for commercial work on Nightfall Game coming mid-January 2005, and my changes to the Designdocs (from the slanted mod-project adjusted to this one), I will be very busy. There were a lot of things planned for the movie that may be cut, so until I see the script I won't know for sure, but perhaps I can ask for a few things from the Animatics to stay... we'll have to see.

    In any case, I would say it won't be long before business starts to pick up!
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2004
  5. PRIORITY: Don't go to this website or any of the following links for the next couple of days. Dementia7Studios have been hacked and as a result, a worm has infected most of their network.

    Let us hope they have a backup, coz I WANT this paid job with them in January:

  6. Howdy.
    I've known about this project since I D/L'ed the Trailer in August of 2002. Vong and I looked at it, and I thought it certianly had potential.

    Good luck to you.

  7. Ok all the sites are working again except for the Forums, probably meaning that it will have to be rebuilt. I'm hoping, though, that a majority wasn't corrupted, for a lot of communication between the Devs and the Stage 1 Modteam was done in this area... in prepartion for some of the Pre-Production work towards the Nightfall Video Game.
  8. Last edited: 29 Dec 2004
  9. Now that the conventional sites have been fixed so have the Members ones. So... if anyone asks, you NEVER got these links from me, understand!

    They say you don't really know what to make of things until you see the first-hand, so here are the links that will show rough build to what we will be doing for the Nightfall game. I recommend that you only watch Animatic 2 & 3 on the Nightfall section of the page, as the Animatic 1 videos are seriously out of date and don't make up the storyline we will be using:

    http://www.d7peacemaker.com/nightfall/Members/trailers_members.php (Member-restricted Animatics)
    http://www.d7peacemaker.com/nightfall/Members/screenshots.php (Member-restricted Animatic 2 Stills)
  10. Well that was quick, the worm is back on our servers again at D7 Studios.

    Yeah... "note to phpBB developers: FIX YOUR FUCKING SOFTWARE".
  11. - Isn't phpBB free?

  12. Now a word from my sponsor:

    It has been confirmed that you may also see the D7 Peacemaker: Prodigal Child teasers at Cinemark Theatres as well... it has not yet been confirmed whether you will see it at Loews Theatres, but it is possible. Either this week or next week, it will be available from the D7Studios website as a proper download.

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