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Damn Shameful...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by 45 semi, 2 Oct 2001.

  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Damn 45 your pretty hardcore on this war stuff. Why don't you go back and show these newbies what they should be like.

    I can see you as a Drill Seargent :)
  2. well lucky not all america feels this way. Cause if war does come and the call comes, damn right I am going over... I got about 5-10 other friends that are willing to do the same thing. Not all america's youth is the ungrateful sacks of shit we are made out to be. Some are, but alot of us will fight like others have done in the past.
  3. I don't think there is going to be a draft....at least not for a while yet, and not one like they had before. This "war" is going to be fought a whole lot differiently than any war we've seen in the past. This will not be another Vietnam.

  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :thumbsup: heh, these people are fools. Just like the ones who were protesting out front of the white house saying fight this war with peace (while smoking a doobie no doubt) I doubt there would be a draft at this point, but if there was I'd go if I had to and fight for this country. If your not willing to do that you arent american.. When you become a citizen you have to swear to take arms if neccicary. Many of us didnt have to take that oath because we were lucky enough to be born here in the first place :)
  5. brakums

    brakums Space Pirate

    if there were to be a draft, it wouldn't be like the one in the Vietnam era. It wouldn't be that you are drafted and shorty there after you go to Afghanistan.
  6. :whore:
  7. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I've already been in the Army so I wont have to go :D

    Besides it's all going to be missle strikes for the most part. Probablyt like Desert Storm. Poor 13 fox's :(
  8. are you on reserve duty?
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    That doesn't count...


    Well they'll draft you bastages first! They better! I'm not going back to that crap!

    *starts having flash backs*

    no I don't wanna get up early and do PT today.. I don't wanna go to the field.. no... NooOoooOooOOOOooOOooOOoooOooO...........
  10. Hehe ... they'll call the reservists b4 they start the draft ..

    You're already trained :D

    <img src=http://www.data-techniques.net/cwm/games/gundam/wingzero_breath.gif><img src=http://www.themelee.com/smilies/s/games/gundam/wing_breath.gif>
  11. Great Dane


    The little girlies in MTX's sig bounce better then your robots do.
  12. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    This is true but they are still nice to have.
  13. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    Oh well I think that is one hyped up barely made it through college editor / writer.

    Sadly, he along with many others miss one point. Although, he does score big elsewhere. If their is a draft, then yes everyone should go and people should realize that in the face of a war America must stand united. We must not forget though, that because of the basic principles of America people are allowed to have differing opinions. They can even disagree with our government. They have the right to say war is wrong, wrong, wrong..

    They just cross the line when they say they wouldn't participate in a draft and if selected/requested to defend America they wouldn't go. That is the only think that irks me about people.

    I really don't want to go to war. I have a beautiful fiance and in a few years after she finished Graduate school we are going to start working on a beautiful family. I don't want things to interrupt that. The thing is this.. I won't be creating a beaufiful family if Osama Bin Laden had his way.. Therefore, I will be damned before I spit on the flag and do not participate in defending my country if asked to go. I wouldn't volunteer though, I am willing to admit that. I am not really made for the military. I wouldn't say no though if asked. American's seem to have forgotten the word "duty.."

    That's my take on that article. Sadly, it takes the tone of popular media. Forgetting that in America we have the right to have our own opinions.. It wants our society to confront Osama by throwing out principles we have stood upon for many years. The foundation of our democracy. Media and uneducated people push the fact that we should become the big dumb head. One vision, one voice. Well that's not America. Instead of being ashamed of people that were quoted in that article we should be proud of America, b/c we encourage that sort of thinking. Just be ashamed when they toss a draft note on a burning pile of others, or flee to Canada/Mexico. Then be ashamed.. That's my take lol.

    Anyways there is my long winded anti gung-ho rant :)

    I should of started that off with a Dennis Miller rant intro. To bad I missed my oppurtunity.
  14. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I can truely tell you that if you go to war and engage the enemy in direct combat you will not come back. People who go to war die. Not physically but mentally. I've never been but watching a 300 pound artillery shell get shot across the sky and watching the explosion then a second later hearing the blast rare past you like a shock wave is not something enjoyable.

    It's not something you can imagine until you can see it. It is truely absolute terror to have a M16A2 in your hand and watch half the side of a hill explode. It is at that point that you realize how easily you could be killed.

    I wouldn't go unless they forced me to and I wouldn't do anything but what I had to. Infantry killed more of their own than the enemy killed of us. It isn't really the enemy I would fear but the incompentance of the infantry. The #1 killer of the 13Fox in Desert Storm was the ignorance of our Infantry. Shooting them when they came back to base camp. Charging a line and shooting the 13Fox they saw thinking somehow they could be the enemy. Artillery also killed the 13FOX. Misfiring on their grid and instead of hitting the enemy taking out those 13FOX members who were giving the fire cordinates.

    My family consists of Officers and all worried about me being a 13FOX.
  15. Well I would have to say that article was poorly written but.....you are crazy if you think I am ready to go to war.

    I know .45 is biased because he has been in the military for however long now, but in my opinion some people just aren't cut out for it.

    There are a ton of things I think that are wrong with the military in general. Then again I think there are are a ton of things wrong with the government, pro sports, other countries, the company I work for, etc, etc.

    For every point I could list, someone could come back with another valid point, or my point twisted around to their side. (I've already had an arguement with one of my managers at work about the subject of the draft, him being a former something-or-other in the military for a long time back in his day.)

    :sigh: :uhoh:

    War blows. Just nuke the place.

  16. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    No one gets nuked today. Everyone gangs up on Afganistans people and uses missle to blow the fuck out of their terrorist buddy Bin Blowndafukup. Then we attack Iraq because they support terrorisum and a lot of people die.

    Well thaty sums it up. Anyone have a better idea? :mtx:
  17. Great Dane


    Nope, that pretty much sounds like a plan to me.
  18. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    but before we do all that we have to change my offical name from attack hamster to Official Decepticon because you spelled HAMPSTER WRONG!

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