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Dead Space Ultra Limited Edition

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 28 Sep 2008.

  1. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I'm just killing time until Fallout 3 comes out.
  2. There's still been no word on whether this will be available for Europe, but judging that the No Known Survivors viralsite is open exclusively to the US and Canada, I don't think it's going to happen. Coupled with the fact that EA have also cancelled Tiberium this month, the studio looks to piss off a lot of people over here. The UK is being blamed a lot for the NYSE having trouble... big surpise there.

    This is not to say we don't share a measure of blame our side of the pond, but everybody bears a level of responsibility for the economy as of late.

    I was looking at someone here buying the ULE and then us reimbursing them, but since I have to pay £30 shipping and then another £30 on top of that on commission, I'd be looking at spending twice the price of the game! Then I bashed my head on the ceiling and decided to forego the whole idea.
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2008
  3. Screwed Over Again

    Dead Space was supposed to be out yesterday, except th UK now won't see it until the 24th!

    Why the hell is EA being so fucking anal about their games lately..?

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