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Dentist= the sux

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ingwë, 14 Jul 2003.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    So I go to my new dentist today and the second I sit in the chair, the dentist takes out 5 different teeth scraping tools. She picks one of them and starts scratching up everything, then slips and stabs my gums multiple times. So then she starts saying, "oh see your gums are bleeding because you have gingivitis" and I think to myself "Oh really? I never knew my gums were supposed to be able to withstand a sharpened metal object jabbed into them."
    So after enduring 30 minutes of the taste of blood and mint mixed together in my mouth, the other guy comes in. He goes and checks my bite and says "hmm I don't like this, I’m going to send you to an orthodontist"
    I'm thinking, "I got an idea, why don't I take a sharpened metal object, stab you in the gums a few times, then irritate them even more with a cleaning drill, and then send you to the orthodontist?"
    So as I left the place I took two tubes of tooth paste, and there is nothing they can do about it!
  2. here's what you do next time you're in the dentist chair.

    When the nurse/doc goes away and gets off his chair, quickly grab the water gun in the nearby tray. Immediately soak the chair the doc/nurse was sitting on, replace water gun and sit patiently.

    Pisses 'em right off. If they ask if you did it, be innocent and blame it on the guy in the next office. ;)
  3. Dude, I TOTALLY know what you mean. I had a dentist appointment this last June. The past 3 times she has told me this same thing. "you have accute gingivitis" (sp) Well, of course shes scraping with that pointy piece of junk, jabbing it into my gums. Why wouldn't they bleed? I'm freakin human!! She asks if my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. I say no, b/c they don't. So now she wants me to floss every day. I flossed, but not everyday. Maybe once every 2 weeks.

    I dunno. Dentists get paid too damn much. Its not that hard to stab people with a pointy object and put bubblegum tasting wax on someone's teeth. Bah:rolleyes:
  4. I like my my scraper lady. She doesn't make fun of me. We just chat and she scrapes away. Although we did have a good laugh when I went back to the dentist for the first time in about a year and a half. That was not the most plesant experiance. I go every 6 months now :)

    Way I figure it. If I did a great job with my teeth I wouldn't need to go to the dentist. Then they would be out of work. So they can just shut there cake holes and clean my teeth like they are supposed to!
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hey, try going to a military dentist. :eek: Ever had a hand grenade go off in your mouth? That is probably as close as you will ever get to that experience. They actually had a nick-name for one of the older ladies who worked there: Bloody Mary
  6. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    ROFL! Hope you heal up quickly.
  7. Greetings,

    I hope you heal soon. You can be glad you only have to do it twice a year.
  8. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    I just went to the Dentist, I had my nurse, while spraying that floride crap on my teeth, aim the stupid thing down my throat as she wiped some of the splash off my face. I almost threw up, the gag reflex as that chalk like substance was rammed down my throat under high pressure. Then she says, "You need to breath out of your nose and not your mouth and this wouldn't happen" I am like, "no, you need to get that piece of metal out of my throat, my tonsils don't need floride"

    I think they get off on pain. If you don't sweat and bleed, then they aren't doing their job.

  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Boot camp I had my wisdom teeth pulled by an E-1. Yeah, I was scared shyteless. Painful, hurt like hell. She didn't know what she was doing etc etc. The kicker of this was the fact that my wisdom teeth were coming in PERFECTLY STRAIGHT! I had no pain whatsoever, until they pulled the crap outta them. They didn't want to leave my mouth. I got 24 hours SIQ as per and the Navy's cureall...500mg Tylenol. Christ I wanted morphine on a straight drip after that.

    I haven't been to a dentist in over 10 years. I have perfect teeth. I've never had cavities or problems with my gums. I brush 2 times a day. Wife wants me to go (shes every 6 months with the mouth doctor) but I refuse to go.
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    haha! 800 mg of Tylenol - Combat Candy!!!

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