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Doom 3

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Jouster, 25 Jun 2004.

  1. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    For anyone that missed it, Doom 3 release has been sounced.

    August 3
  2. Yeah and I'll get it sometime next year when the video cards it can run on are cheaper. The drawback I've seen or heard with D3 is it's way to friggin video intensive - or at least for the video card I have (GF4 Ti4200).
  3. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Im REALLY looking foward to Doom 3
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I'm not because my computer is too old to play games like that, and I'm not getting a new computer for 2 years.
  5. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Yeah, I hear ya. Carmack has a history of going, I want this new technology for my next game. This is good (see about any game you've played in the past 7 years) It does tend to hurt the pocket book.

    The reason it's video intensive is easy to see. Full real time dynamic shadows. ;) If you haven't played the leaked alpha I'll setup the picture for you.

    Bathroom with a single light that swings. Its very dark, the room is a bloody mess. A mirror hangs on the wall. You look into it and see you're full detail reflection. Where you're standing is at the extreme of the lights swing, so as it swings toward you, you see you're self fine, as it swings away, you fade into the blackness as you would if you stood under a real light that behaved this way. You walk up to the mirror to take closer look at you're self. Then pinkie bursts though the wall. His reflection is full detail too. Depending when you walked up to the mirror during the light's travel time, you may have seen him come, or you may just have seen debris flying though the room. Rest assured, you jump the first time, even if you knew he was going to be there.
  6. No, I think what annoyed me the most about it was the statement IGN heard about it... that the majority (if not all) of the multiplayer features are ONLY in the Xbox version.
  7. from what I heard is that the multiplayer is going to be only 4 people. Problem is that these 4 people need to start at the same time....no load on demand. way to memory intensive due to a dynamic world. You can blast boxes off shelfs, move office chairs, etc. Excessively cool and I'll be at the low end of being able to play it with a p4c 2.4 1.5gb ram and geforce fx 5700 Ultra. Game recommends 2 gig of ram ;)
  8. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    The only multiplayer feature that I've seen officially announced to be on Xbox only is Co-op. Given the reason that PC was built as a thriller single player with no empathies on multiplayer at all, it doesn't surprise me, or for that matter annoy me either.
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2004
  9. Yeah, Doom 3 didn't hold anything back in graphics. You can turn them all down and all but to play it at full detail, you need a cutting edge top of the line computer. I don't know if I'll get it though. Not really big on the games where the main point is to scare you o_O

    I might though, just to have some fun at 3 in the morning with headphones on and the volume up really high, so when the twisted, mutated creatures make a noise it scares the crap out of me in a very dark room.
  10. Doom 3 has gone Gold and should be in stores by the 5th of August.

    The real kicker is its going to be 4 CDs and they (Id and Activision) don't want to put it out on a DVD. :(
  11. My neighbor agreed that when the darkest day does come, he's comming over and we're lighting candles and drawing pentagrams on the walls in neon paint and shit like that. :D
  12. Well, whatever the state of affairs, apparently mod people get MAYA 6 PLE and a limited, changeable copy of the SP sourcecode when the game is released. You can only get the full stuff if you have an engine license.
  13. I'll be happy if it manages to be playable on my 1.4ghz system :(

    ATI 9800? Yeesh. IDs going to push the envelope right out the door and into the pocket of someone looking at what people can realisitically spend!
  14. I'm good to go. :)
    I WANT DOOM 3!!
  15. Did you also see the countdown that runs off your desktop? That was cool.
  16. 3.9 hours to go, people.

    I hope you have your purses and wallets ready...
  17. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    There's a countdown? Where? *runs off to find it*
  18. It was here, but since the counter hit zero it means the game is out...

    You lucky devils. Oh well, gues I'll still be waiting another 2 weeks for our UK release.
  19. I... Am.. Fucking.. Paranoid.. Now...

    /me shakes fist at doom 3

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