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Dragon Empires

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 28 Jul 2004.

  1. I was looking through Gamespot, and came across this game called Dragon Empires. It's a sort of game similar to Lineage II, revolving around three races, and has five empires each governed by an ancient Dragon Lord (hence the name)... in other words, you'll see baby dragons to either kill or train, but the empires are controlled by 'conversational' adult-dragons.


    Like with all games it has its share of quests and monsters, as well as PvP action:


    There is also a Beta going on at the moment if anyone is interested, all you need is to be a member of their free Code M service:

    Last edited: 29 Jul 2004
  2. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    It looks pretty! I'll give this a try
  3. Oh btw, the spells that a player can do ingame can be widespread as well as for just one target - widespread being probably any enemy within 20+ metres of the player.

    Here's a little comparison between players and dragons....
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2004

  4. ahhh that looks like a gaint chicken
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    That's probably a type of dragon.

    The ability to train dragons might swing my vote.

    [edit] signed up for it.
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2004
  6. If you download the E3 Trailer for the game from GameSpot, it actually does look like a dragon... well, kind of: They are not your run-of-the-mill dragons, they are based upon the five empire-cities, as are their names. Their appearance is in relation to the primal animal or environment that exists there:
    • Blackfly - Hush Blackfly (Monkey Dragon)
    • Empire of the Lady - Lady Whitefoot (unknown)
    • Greenwater - Fin Greenwater (Fish Dragon)
    • Redwing - Quill Redwing (Bird Dragon; he's the one above, so Chinese dragons usually look like that)
    • Yellowback - Crag Yellowback (unknown)
    UPDATE: Signed up, no email about a place yet.
    Last edited: 31 Jul 2004
  7. Got their monthly email today... what was originally planned to be Codemasters' next big game, the title Dragon Empires has been terminated. It seemed like a highly ingenious MMO in development, but due to the technology they specifically designed for the game, it has now unfortunately made the system impossible to complete.

    Let us hope their next game doesn't fail because they didn't plan ahead properly...
    Last edited: 3 Sep 2004
  8. After years of getting their newsletter, this was no shock to me. Month after month, the release of info with almost no substance. I think work actually quit quite a while ago on this one and the well finnally ran dry. With it directly competing with games like EQ2, WoW, Guildwars, Vanguard, MEO, etc. Hearing that the new UO was cancelled though really did bugger me. That one looked like it could have done well, but prolly would have ended up like AC2. Ohwell, I say bring on PS2.0!
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    yeah, I'll be riding a Dragon....someday.

    Dragon Empires newsletter - 3rd September

    It is with much regret that we have today announced that we have now ceased further development of Dragon Empires due to technical issues we have recently experienced with the game.

    This of course is extremely sad news for everyone concerned with the game. For regular visitors of our forums, these will remain active for the foreseeable future to give you the opportunity to give your feedback and keep in touch with your fellow Dragon Empires community members.

    We are still very much committed to entering the MMORPG market and are currently evaluating other potential opportunities, keep your eyes and ears open for news in the not too distant future.

    Thank you again for all your loyalty and support over the previous years and we only wish we could have rewarded your passion and enthusiasm with the final game.

    Best Wishes,

    The Dragon Empires Team

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