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DragonWolves Inc News Brief

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 16 Mar 2014.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    After about a month the Board members and I have been busy with developing a single unifying signature for both these forums and the RSI forums. We've gone through a lot of different looks but we finally settled on one. Developed by NuclearMessiah I think it perfectly captures our corporate structure and how we look going forward.

    The sigs will be offered to everyone else as soon as I work out some details with Hamma on hosting the sigs here. The idea is that, if you want a sig like this, that you just let the Board know your wish and, if you're a member of the DragonWolves, you get this shiny new signature for your own use!

    We have worked it so that the four main divisions are represented with your signature
    1sE.jpg Exploration
    1sCS.jpg CorpSec
    1sL.jpg Logistics
    1sM.jpg Manufacturing
    These devices will go where the gold ribbon in mine is. Division leaders will be represented with a black line running through it. Advisors will have a Silver ribbon attached to theirs.

    Many thanks to the board for putting up with my first designs and Hyncharas for stepping up and launching us toward our signatures.

    I'm currently looking into posters we may be able to offer to the members of DWI. Currently we're selecting a few and will let you know as we get closer to a decision. Initial estimates are between $30 and $40 which would include shipping. I'm hoping to bring a couple along with me next month and get a few devs (and maybe Chris himself) to sign them. I'm a little jealous of Hamma's swag and want to be as elite as he is.
    Last edited: 19 Mar 2014
    Khorneholio likes this.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Nicely done!
  3. Out-frakkin-standing! :D
  4. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Nice! :thumbsup:
  5. antedoX

    antedoX DragonWolf

    Very cool!
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Good stuff :D
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hey antedoX!
    antedoX likes this.
  8. Nice work. Cudos to all involved.
    NuclearMessiah likes this.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm glad everyone likes what we've done so far. With the hopeful release of the Dogfighting module scheduled for mid April we're hoping to be able to live stream some of the footage as well. Don't worry if you can't watch it. I'm sure that there will be some good in-game footage to go along with our streams.

    There are a lot of good, ambitious things coming out of this game that will appeal to most any kind of gamer. I like the direction we're headed as an organization. We're attracting some people over to our organization and I hope to network us a little more next month at the RSI event in Boston. Also I'm glad that some of the old schoolers are coming out of the woodwork to play with us again. It's been far too long since we "put the band back together".

    Tis good to be a DragonWolf.
  10. If you had people in multiple divisions - for example, I will be doing Exploration but also want to do Manufacturing - you could stack ribbons as with the officers. I would, however, recommend the Exploration ribbon was a different colour, as white is more associated with Medicine.

    There doesn't seem to be a particular colour for the role, though purple is used a lot for creativity and wisdom, which can be argued as a suitable definition for an explorer or archaeologist. You could also use the colour of copper for Mining.
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The ribbons are there to let people know what role they plan on playing within the corporation. But just as many of us in our real life jobs have an official title, most of the time you perform other duties to help out.
    It's going to be the same within our corporation. I do not expect that you'll want to concentrate full time on manufacturing. You'll want to experience the whole game. Do you may want to see how it feels to run a Starfarer through space for a while. You may want to participate in boarding actions. Whatever you want to do. It's all there for you. Your only limit is your imagination.
  12. If you don't mind my asking, I can pretty much work out what every division is except for Logistics... what's its role in the corporation?
  13. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Logistics is the moving of parcel and packages across space as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sometimes a delivery will be through known pirate space. Sometimes it'll be the Kessell Run.
  14. It could also be considered the traders and merchants, think just moving goods, even if it just for our salvage teams.
  15. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Look at Logistics as WW2's Red Ball Express after DDay; transport, supply and quartermasters.

  16. Maybe even the airlift efforts made to berlin to keep the populace fed and clothed. Berlin Airlift style circa 1948.
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Perfect real world examples. Also UPS/FedEx
  18. AND SNAIL MAIL!!!!!...............wait, do people even use that anymore?

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