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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 18 May 2005.

  1. An announcement of this came during an interview with Todd Hollenshead of id Software, after the release of the first Quake 4 Trailer. It's completely online (possibly MMO-based), an incoporates the Quake 4 universe into a combat realm similar to that of PlanetSide. In order to understand what has been said about the game during a recent preview, images from the Quake 4 Trailer (which will be exactly the same as Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, barring any singleplayer) have been included...

    I personally think the Strogg walkers look sweet, but until more on this game surfaces I intend to keep an unbiased opinion of what to expect, as we've been disappointed before (for example, Doom3: RoE was marginally different from the main game in terms of replayability).

    BTW... yes... the music near the end of the Quake 4 Trailer is a remix of Red Tape by Agent Provocateur!
    Last edited: 18 May 2005
  2. I saw that on IGN looks uber sweet. Just a little confused though, is Quake Wars a Quake series game, if so, is it going to be what was to be Quake IV?
  3. I think Quake 4 is going to be a singleplayer campaign with a little bit of multiplayer, but the majority of the work planned is going to go into Enemy Territory instead.

    As I said, Todd Hollenshead recently did an interview with IGN this week during E3's festivities, so you'll have watch it for yourself to hear everything he talked about. You should fine the video in Quake 4's Video Media page on IGN PC.
  4. Two more images for Enemy Territory have surfaced at IGN, as has a video:



    Another nice show of combat and upcoming vehicles, but they sitll won't show the level of scale it is supposed to have. I'm still waiting for that.
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Are these actual game play shots?
  6. well if this is game play count me in.......that looks nice as hell!
  7. I would expect they are. The Quake 4 Trailer wasn't all that bad, either.
  8. Alright, thanks for clearing that up Hynch.

    PS: I cant see any of your images, they all show up as redrival free web hosting
  9. that's because the image only seem to work when either they are being shown directly from the webspace, or if I have logged into the account on that day, sorry.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  11. ill be dl this new trailer at home tonight, cant wait to see it. Can we Mark this game on the high priority list for the potential next CDL game? Lets hope it pans out.
  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I don't see why we can't. On the poll people expressed they wanted a MMOFPS, but the second was FPS. I can't see why we can't put this game right up there.
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You bet. :D
  14. I can't wait for this one.

    This fall/winter regarding game releases is going to be one to remember.
  15. Two more videos have been released for the game at this year's E3; an Official Trailer and an interview with one of the principle designers...

    ETQW E3-2K6 Trailer:
    http://trailers.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_enemyterritory_e36_gt_h264.mov (QuickTime MOV)
    http://trailers.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_enemyterritory_e36_gt_h264.wmv (Windows Media)

    ETQW Interview with Paul Wedgewood (Lead Designer):
    http://trailers.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_quakewars_et_int_e36.mov (QuickTime MOV)
    http://trailers.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_quakewars_et_int_e36.wmv (Windows Media)
  16. Now this game looks good, BF2142 was developed for one reason alone, to compete with this game. It's about time to give someone other than EA my money this time.
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Aye. Anything I can do to put the screws to EA I'm most happy to do. My pettiness aside though; this game smells like a good CDL game.
  18. Ill be getting them Both, as we still have qutie a few CDL playing BF2 Special forces everynight. I still Think EA does a Awesome job on their games, the menus suck but that aside the gameplay is Top notch.
  19. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    There not going to "kill Battlefield" if all they can do is 12 man teams.. Seems awfully low in todays 64 player BF servers. Interesting game, but they're gonna have to do better than that, or they wont be pulling people away from EA.

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