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EVE Online: Retribution

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 2 Dec 2012.

  1. I'm made this thread because, time was a few years ago, the CDL ran a corporation in the EVErse.

    So a new version is due for release on 4th December, entitled "Retribution", since the Bounty System is finally returning to the game for veterans and new players alike. They've added a new Destroyer for each empire, improvements to the Tactical Combat UI, and an upgraded NPC AI so now you may be more likely to get attacked in exploration space. There is also a first-look of the ORE Venture Frigate, coming in 2013, which will be built to be affordable to new players wanting to become dedicated miners.

    You can read more about all the new features here.
  2. Ive tried many times to get into EVE, I was even in the Dust 514 alpha, but I always get so lonely and bored and lost on my own when I try...do we have people that play still ?
  3. I too really wanted to get into Eve. Unfortunately, try as I did, I just couldn't genuinely enjoy it. It felt about as stimulating as playing a rousing game of Microsoft Excel. lol
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I was going to say exactly what Shewolf and Khorne said. I've tried many times and I want to like it but I just can't get into it.
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Playing EvE is an accountants dream. Played it a couple of times with Hamma and others. But it's so tough to break into it as a FNG. And 80% of the time I just didn't know what to focus on.
  6. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I still login from time to time, but barely have the spare time to keep up with PS2 at the moment, so I haven't been active in it for a couple months..
  7. Having played Eve for many years, it's a game where you need to be self-motivated to accomplish a given goal. It's a sandbox experience and that's not for everyone as there's no "winning" other than what you define it as. At one point I had three accounts I was funding through in-game play, but I just didn't want to maintain the level of activity needed.

    It's a fun game if you like that sort of thing, but the lack of external direction does make it very hard to get into.
  8. OK, so pretty much we just need some external direction :) And silver you sound like you have a lot of externalism to direct..
  9. Your quest: Collect 1 billion ISK per month and deliver it to me. That'll be a good start. :)

    Really depends on what gets you going as far as what profession you want to take up. Pick an activity, pick a level of desired reward and a level of acceptable risk and Eve probably has something for it; just a question of what you have to do to get it...
  10. if you guys REALLY want to try this, I could reach out to one of the devs of the game I played bsgo with......he still lives in the stone mountain area of georgia, so maybe I could look him up?
  11. You know a dEVEloper.. wow :)
  12. yea, we used to farm minerals in bsgo while he was coding and stuff. went by the name of solitario. Funny as heck guy.
  13. hoook it up! I just want to learn how to become a bounty hunter -_- and fly a cool ship...and do stuff..is that so %$^% hard!
  14. Well, it is like saying "I just want to play PlanetSide 2 and shoot guns! You know, the shooty kind!" Telling you "left mouse clicks" isn't quite what you're going for even if it would get you shooting. :) Also, Eve's depth of weapons, ships and tactics makes PS2's options on guns look like a kiddie pool.

    Eve is a learning process and if you try to take it in all at once your brain will explode. I played for years and there's still aspects of the game I didn't even touch.

    You have a goal though, so that's good. The path I would recommend is start out flying some basic missions. They're not hard, and they pay ok. Try and figure out what race's ship appeals to how you want to play (this may be tricksy) and what role(s) you would like to have in a group (damage dealer, repairer, tackler, scout, etc). The nice thing about Eve is picking one does not exclude the others, you just get to them later.

    Also the whole "being the FNG is rough" idea isn't really all that accurate in practice. On paper it can seem rough that I will have 20 million skill points more than you, but you have to remember that for each ship only a subset of those points will ever be able to apply. It's possible to compete pretty well on a ship-by-ship basis, it's just likely that if you bring paper to counter their rock, they'll be able to pull scissors.
  15. Sorry I fell asleep on you the other night silver, thank you for spending the night telling us tales of the magical universe of Eve ^_^ I am going to resubscribe hopefully next friday when my corporate owner allows me to have ISK..
  16. I'm interested enough to try the trial at least
  17. Not a problem Shewolf!

    Poking around at the stuff I'll probably resub for a little bit to fiddle with the new shinies. There's 8 new ships to play with since I last played after all. Plus I can give CDLers some seed monies. :p

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