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F.E.A.R Singleplayer Demo

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 6 Aug 2005.

  1. Although what's available for download isn't quite what they were offering (it was this year's demo, not the E3 2004 Demo that was promised), it was enjoyable and it did scare me a little as well. Usually there is a definite turn-off for me when it comes to paranormal titles, because they emphasise too much eerieness and not enough combat. As such I've played a only few games in my time, but I gotta say... I like the way this one has evolved so far.

    The presence that the little girl gives off when she gets near you actually alowly-drains your health like she, herself, is a creature of black fire ebbing at your lifeforce... in essence, death itself. In a way it's a lot like chasing shadows, except these will probably kill you when the game hits retail.

    The combat you play against the enemy are some of the best I've seen in an FPS title, reminding me of the day when Half-Life 1 was first released and you were figting emergent squad-AI. They cover and create barricades, they flank and pull back... and they swear - especially when they're about to explode from a grenade, which is always fun to watch:)

    Lastly the "slo-mo" system. This annoyed me a bit just like it did in the MP Beta, as even when it's fully charged it won't let you engage it unless it's on the AI's timetable; making it little more than a gimmick, instead of being there to use it when you want it and not when you need it. Other than this small issue, it certainly something I plan to get the Director's Cut of, as it has sold my interest.

    If you haven't played the demo yet, you can get it here.
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I played it, it was quite fun. It did indeed scare me a bit - they did a great job :D
  3. Oman! Downloading it now.

    At 845 kb/s I might add.
  4. Just played the demo. Sorta short, but I guess all demos are. It is pretty cool, the bullet time is pretty fun, and the AI is pretty smart. That one part where you get put into that hallway in slow motion was really cool. The ceiling was made of blood :x

    Anyway, I'm glad I ordered this game, should be a lot of fun.
  5. Just finished the game myself, holly shit this game is bad ass. It is by far the best FPS I've played this year and maybe of all time. The sounds and lighting really help you get into the game. There are unexpected things happening often. I was playing this morning and when I was in the room with the pipes and you go down that ladder I said a few choice words outload. I woke up SideKick with them.

    This game is a must have, I still can't get over how damn cool it is.
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Yea it has a great atmosphere in the game, you feel part of it. In a sense, they are doing much the same thing as Doom 3 but taking it to the next level. The AI is indeed pretty smart, they take cover, move around etc - toss nades. It's a great game I think.

    Dunno how many played the MP demo but I think the Multiplayer is allot of fun too.

    I will probably pick it up to, the MP is kinda like SoF2 which I had a blast with.
  7. That part with the room full of pipes, was probably my favorite. Both before and after the ladder.

    I agree, it is very similar to doom 3, but with a paranormal feel rather than ..demon...hellspawn....thing...

    The AI is awesome. At one point, I was shooting a guy through a window, so he got down and started crawling out the door...

    Too bad there was a grenade waiting for him.
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    We must bring back teh chia!

    The MP was a blast too for the short beta period.
  9. I've played the multiplayer but without it being incoporated in with the adjustments they made to SP, I think it will be a while before we see the improvements (probably come release by now).

    If you made a TS channel for this game in multiplayer when it comes out, hell, I wouldn't mind being in a squad. How 'bout the rest of you?
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I'll probably be picking it up ;)
  11. ive downloaded and tried to play the Single player demo. My game keeps locking up at the same point though, Every time on the first level, when i start to fight the ELITE warrior, my screen goes black and I get an evil buzzing noise, I have to turn off my main power supply, even hiting the reset button will not reboot the computer.
  12. I really like it, but I really need a new video card. I had the card settings on minimum and still locked up for a few seconds after approching certain corners and such.
  13. It could be the end of the demo if he drops down in a warehouse.

  14. Yeah it is, you have to remember it's only a demo of the first level.

    The trick is to duck under the door and then use the shelves on either side for cover. Wait for the sound of breaking glass and then turn on slo-mo while still behind the shelves.

    You can't kill the guy, but it does make you survive the level.
  15. Hump 'Em and Dump 'Em time again Hamma?
  16. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Are you talking about the guy that busts open that door? You can kill him, he just needs a large dosage of shotgun love to the head.
  17. no I mean the guy that drops through the roof when that dying torture-victim snuffs it
  18. The F.E.A.R. Director's Edition has finally been announced, despite the appearance of it for quite some time since the Singleplayer Demo was released. Beware, shades of The Ring abound in this preview:
    Alternatively if you are an IGN Subscriber, you can download the full 640x360 video here.
  19. Do you know FEAR.... you do now

    Ironically there is a line that the narrator says in the F.E.A.R. DE Promo asking whether or not you know Fear. So, I am drawing attention to this recent thread that I also intend to speak with IGN about:If you were lucky enough to get your hands on F.E.A.R. Director's Edition then you've done very well for youeself, because a lot of people, including myself, didn't. At first I thought it was just me - I've had trouble ordering from VU Games before - but after talking to both people here and in the US, I would estimate only a quarter of the people who ordered that version actually recieved it... the rest of us, instead, got the CD version and were charged $20 more!

    I don't think this is quite what people had in mind, and what VU had planned after their recent loss to the lawsuit with Valve...

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