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Fable III

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Brokentusk, 30 Nov 2010.

  1. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I hate to say it, but it's a bit slow so far. Attacks are hit the button or hold the button to charge it. I wouldn't even call it a button masher.

    Compared to Fallout New Vegas, F3 is almost like playing a kids game. No need to worry about armor, where I hit someone or even the weapon. Melee, so far at least, was a choice between hammer and sword. Your weapon "grows" as you progress.

    The neat little things are the only thing that keeps me in it. Like actual story elements or John Cleese as your butler or the really nice graphics.

    Hopefully once I get past hour 3 it will pick up the pace.

    It does have the ability for coop play, even missions that require "romantic interaction" to trigger. Think about that for a moment. Do you see the problem?

    How do you even approach that conversation? "Hey Doug. You have F3, wanna log in so we can make out to open some dungeon? <click> Doug? Doug?"

    Imagine if this spreads to other games, "I don't care how badly Hamma wants a jet, I ain't doing it!"

    People would set up macros just to say, "Not it!!!"

    Worse is if it becomes normal,
    "WTF are you guys doing???"
    "Atomic-Wango-Tango with 2 aliens and a partially dissected cow. It's the only way to get the door to close on the ship."
    "Jeez, if you used a llama instead you get better armor too."
  2. I played Fable: Lost Chapters on PC, but never played the second one because they didn't release a PC port for it!

    The original was fun.. I'd call it an 'Adventure Romp'. It was nice for a replay, or maybe two, but the overall feel was that it was geared more towards young gamers, and not for hardcore freakbaskets who want to mod and immerse themselves in a virtual fantasy world.

    The graphics and story on the original were what kept me playing, but the second time through I was already trying to google the cheat codes just to get through every cranny.
  3. Its not a bad game with some really cool end game elements. Be warned once it does speed up their isnt much left. Worth playing thru again though

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