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Fallen Earth

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by FaithStrike, 19 Nov 2009.

  1. http://www.fallenearth.com/

    I don't kow how long this has been out but is there anyone who knows anything about it? Is it any good or just plain sucks?
  2. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    I was in the beta and posted a good bit of info. Its been out about 2 1/2 months.

    I am/was playing it. I say am because I still jump on every now and then to play around but at this time due to work I cannot devote actual playing time to it.

    But I really like it. Crafting is awesome, combat is very different and has some neat features and the play is pretty limitless as to what style you want to be.

    It does have a BIG learning curve when starting out, but the community is really great and EVERY time I played there was always a GM on and available for any issues.

    And it is unprecedented in the fact that it is a Post-Apocalyptic MMO and has quite a bit of features other MMO's havent utilized yet. And it is a niche MMO.
  3. I may have to check it out then...thx Oak

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