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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by ShadowSkillz, 30 Oct 2003.

  1. Final Fantasy XI. Picking it up today, anyone else?
  2. I got it yesterday. Got in an hr or so of play last night. So far its pretty tight. You have to be REALLY patient. The install, update, and getting started are a very slow process. Don't try and jump in and go to fast or you'll hate it.

    I switch to compact keyboard in the main menu > config > misc2. It helps quite a bit if you prefer a,s,d,w style. Also I hear getting a PS2 - USB adapater and PS2 controller REALLY make things better. I've got an adapater, gonna pick a dual shock for it. Makes controlling camera much easier.

    Graphics are good - need to run at high res and turn AA/AF on. Which is very doable as the game runs GREAT on midrange machines.

    Spelleffects - very nice

    Classes - great, and can switch around easy

    Just need new servers! Right now I'm starting out on Sylph. Alot of other US ppl are going to fenrir.
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Game sounds interesting, though I'm not sure if it's just everquest with better graphics and a final fantasy theme. I'd only get it if a large amount of CDL started playing it, otherwise I'll pass.
  4. damn i want to be on the same server as you guys. :(
    i think so far im at diablo(something) (sorri dont recall im at work). damnit. i guess ive just gotta wait to see where the majority of u guys are at and then get a world pass huh :/
  5. I am in midgard, it seems to be one of the better servers for North American players (due to a lower percentage of high-level japanese players).
  6. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Ah-HAH! So that is where MOG has been hiding! ;)
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  8. STOP THE :manirw: HAMMA OR ILL :ar51: U.

    GREAT GAME SO FAR. IM ON Odin with ^Dragon, Borlak, Dimiotrix, Julius, darkore, and a few others.

    Anyone want world passes to Odin, lemme know

  9. Doh, looks like everyone is stuck on different servers. To bad you can't move characters around.

    Up to 12 Hume Warrior, great game so far. Defintely use a gamepad, 10x better. Its much more FF than EQ also. The missions, quests, conquests, etc make it much more RPG than MMO.
  10. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    yeah that whole not being able to change server things is going to be a problem and now not everyone can play togeather. Which is making me a sad panda.
  11. i thought u could switch servers but it cost money and your character loses everything u gain :(
  12. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    yeah, you can change servers, but you have to pay and I doubt people want to pay. You could just start a new character on the same server and scrap your old ones, unless you want to pay the $1 extra per character.
  13. well you can obtain world pass if you want to start ona certain server. If you guys have enough players, Im more than willing to cough out some in game cash and buy u the world pass.

    But yes u cant transfer in the middle, since if u transfer u start frm lvl 1 again :/
  14. psst, Shadow, need some world passes for Kaikou and I. :eek:
  15. u got it. i have 2 shots left in mine. cost me freakin 1500 gil. see me in irc or something
  16. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    So exaclty how many CDLers do we have playing this game? And how many are on the same server?
  17. Currently I'm the Only CDL on Odin.

    Im playin with a bunch of T2 + other peeps.

    Shadz (myself)
    Squallkaze (my best friend IRL)
    Dragonzo (Dragon|RT (T2))
    Borlak|RT (T2)
    Darkore (T2)
    Demetrius (Julius(T2))
    Dimitrix (T2)
    Darkore (T2)
    MikSchultzy (T2)

    + more to come as the review of this game releases

    Ill give Kai and Obo my last 2 shots at World pass this run, and Ill attempt to get you guys more if its needed. But only be serious when you ask. As much as i enjoying playin with you guys it cost me 1500gils to get a pass. that fits 5 peeps and takes me bout 2 days to make the amt up.
  18. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I hate you.
  19. Where are you Shadow. :confused:

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