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Free L2 Server?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 24 Feb 2005.

  1. A friend just sent me this site -


    It appears to be a privately run Lineage 2 server thats run compeletly by donations. You can download the game via a torrent, around 1200 megs and their patch updater to get on. A small donation will also net you some cash in game I think.

    The exp and drops have been significantly boosted above normal. I think the exp rate is at 5x currently. Making this a very non level grind friendly game. I played L2 beta and really enjoyed most of it, but only got up to around 20 when the grind started to get to be a pain. Its a very PvP oriented game with a rather nice engine. I've often wanted to run my own MMO server like these guys are doing, if I can find out how much the actual license\software to run this thing is I might even. Thought I'd offer it up here, nothing much to loose.

    Appears the site is currently down.
    Last edited: 24 Feb 2005
  2. where is the torrent?
  3. I never found the torrent for them. I just got their patcher and let it run all night and it downloaded the game. They only use a C1 engine so it doesn't look all that good. I found some other servers, one that uses the normal game install and looked great, but sparesly populated, lagged some, etc. Once I hit 10+ the game still turned into a grind, I can't believe how slow the health\mana regen rates are, ruins the game.

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