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Frontlines: Fuel of War

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by GraniteRok, 3 Mar 2008.

  1. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Anyone got this yet? Thoughts?

    I had a closed beta for this but I could never get the dang thing to run properly (very very slow laggy graphics) and couldn't find anything to get it going...

    Ended up picking it up yesterday. So far, I've only started single player just to get a hang of it. Seems to be a lot like COD4 in single player (and could kinda repeat Asp's review of that). Haven't tried online yet.

    First impressions; meh... might be fun for a diversion but as I haven't tried MP yet, can't say for sure...

    Had the some game starting issues... Installed fine but at first attempts to run, was getting an Ageia Physics error (saying it couldn't find some driver or something. THQ support pages says that the game is not compatible with the Ageia Physics card (which I don't have) yet the game installs some Ageia software. Forum pages suggested uninstall then reinstall after checking for video driver updates. Got it to go after that but...

    Then I had the same issues as I did with beta, very very slow and laggy video and controls. So bad that it was impossible to get to even the game menu. Forum pages again, couldn't see anything there to start but then somewhere there was mention about G15 keyboards. Unplugged the G15, started the game, plugged back in and all was good and as it should be. The G15 is a great keyboard but it does have some issues with some software (so far I've discovered 2; this game and ventrilo and the hotfix is the same, unplug before loading program then plug in).

    Once I get into the game further, I'll update.
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    have a friend that got the xbox version and loves it...talks about all the time at work..
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yeah, since the upgrade I've been toiling between COD4 and Frontlines. Some people say that Frontlines feels like a console port onto the PC; the layout is wierd and it feels like you're playing a console game with a k/b, among other things.

    I did d/l the demo again and, I got to say, it looked damn sweet on my machine. Optimum settings and I could hear AND see the bullets flying by me as I tried to do a frontal assault on the enemy's frontline positions. Very little game lag for me.

    If I start to read Frontlines is the game to get, I may pick it up. I may also pick up Quake Wars: Enemy Territory.
  4. The graphics seem great, but I've heard there is no Stat tracking/unlocks, etc... I'm thinking I'd get bored fast.
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I've never been a stat whore. And I keep seeing the commercials for this game. I may try to check this game out this week.
  6. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Do eet.... and let me know how it is.
  7. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Picked it up, now lets see how good it is :)
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Bought it off of Steam yesterday. Started to download it yesterday afternoon. I'll have it installed and ready to go by Monday. THinking of giving this a shot Monday night. If anyone is interested and has the game, look for me on TS around 9:30pm. I may be in an officers meeting at that point, but after the meeting I'll be booting this game up.

    edit: Found a PC Tips and Tweaks article. In case the game doesn't play as well as it should.

    Last edited: 10 Mar 2008
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well my experiences with it so far are pretty good. The controls DO feel a little consolish; like I can't map my two thumb buttons on my mouse. I can only map one. Sighting down the rifle is the same as other games but I've been used to looking around corners from CoD4 that it was a little disheartening that I couldn't do it with Frontlines.

    So far I've only played the single player campaign. Bought it through Steam and I guess there are a lot of issues with the Steam game. Such as it saying that it's 100% ready to go, but missing some files. They have a fix on the Frontlines FoW forums on a fix. It's very important that you verify that your movies folder should have the 77 files in it and it should be 1.82 GB (1,958,148,632 bytes).

    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\frontlines fuel of war\GCGame\Content\Movies\
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    Been playing this game for a couple of days now. It's definitely a very pretty game and immerses you completely in the environment. On one map, Invasion, the Allied forces are entrenched and need to break out and secure 6 zones before making the final push. The Allied forces had helo's as support and as shock elements. Once you secured the first three points you gain access to some ground vehicles and the combat becomes more closed in, a la Karkland in BF2. The next three points are somewhat difficult to get at, as the enemy can hit you from all sides. Those three are exposed areas that the enemy can get close to you very easily.

    One thing about the immersion; you can actually pick out the enemy's different sounds, such as weapons cocking. They have a distinctive 'ping' factor I never realized. Once I caught onto that the enemy had no chance against me.

    My usual loadout is Spec Ops and role is EM warfare. I like the idea of planting the lightning rod right near an enemy encampment and having all their machinery just shut down. Makes a nice and evil wakeup call when my MP15 erupts around them, leaving their entrails where they once stood.

    Going to try it some more during my extended sick time a bit tonight.

    So far I give it a 7 out of 10.
  11. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Is it something worth being involved in on a larger scale? 7out of 10 makes me suspicious of that.
  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Would I like to see more Dragonwolves playing this game? Sure.
    Do I expect them to? No.
    There just is not a game out there that can congregate and unite the Dragonwolves yet. And I don't see many on the horizon that can deliver on the same calibre as Planetside or Tribes did. Though it's going to be hard to break their dogmatic hold on us, truth be told it's what brought a fair number of us to the Dragonwolves. WoW has helped bring people like you Warwolf into the fold, and we are very grateful for that. LOTRO brought us a few people like Wilo into the cave as well.

    This would be a good game to break out of any MMO woes you may have, but if you already have TF2 installed, you may as well try to find me playing that too. I bought both games off of Steam, so my SteamID is always on. It's -CDL-Sentrosi.
  13. Well said Sentrosi...

  14. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Tried to add that and it can't find you Sent... I used -CDL-Sentrosi.
    I'll ry it again later, also I'm found under Demus, trying to change it to Warwolf if I can.

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