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Full Spectrum Warrior

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 19 Sep 2004.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    This game is very different compared to most games out there. It sort of is like an RTS, but I'm not sure I would call it that. You controll these squads and give out tactical orders and what not. Check out the single player demo at File Planet, in it there is a very good tutorial along with one mission.
  2. THought this was for the Xbox heh... i will have to check it out looks pretty cool.
  3. this games demo rocked i cant wait till it comes out

    -BTW its a very different game it all has to do with cover and using your squads to cover each other and figuring out where and how to get the op done. It isnt a FPS but instead and squad based RTS. Its got a simple initial learning vurve but probably grows from there(the first(and only) mission was easy).
    Last edited: 20 Sep 2004

    Implement Real Combat Tactics, Battling Enemies with Authentic Weapons

    CALABASAS HILLS, Calif., September 21, 2004 – THQ® Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) today announced the release of Full Spectrum Warrior PC. Developed on a parallel path with the critically acclaimed and highly successful Microsoft Xbox® game released earlier this summer, the PC version of Full Spectrum Warrior includes a number of game enhancements and features specific to the PC version – including two bonus levels, enhanced texture and graphic resolution and an intuitive keyboard/mouse control scheme that has been optimized for PC gamers. Developed by Pandemic Studios, Full Spectrum Warrior has shipped to retailers worldwide for a suggested retail price of $39.99.

    “We believe Full Spectrum Warrior succeeds in creating an immersive, authentic, and most importantly original military combat game that is compelling to pick up and play,” said Jack Sorensen, executive vice president of worldwide studios, THQ. “It delivers an innovating blending of tactical and strategic squad based combat not seen in many of today's popular military games and carries the genre to a new level of reality and entertainment. Best of all, now PC gamers can enjoy it, better than ever."

    In the game, players will command and coordinate the actions of two infantry squads leading them through a hostile urban warzone, as they out think, out maneuver and battle enemies through thirteen levels of intense combat. In addition, players can also go online and team up with a friend for Two-Player Co-Op gameplay. Full Spectrum Warrior is based on a light infantry-training simulator designed by Pandemic Studios for the U.S. Army as a tool to reinforce Army combat doctrine and squad tactics among troops*.
    - more -

    Since its unveiling, the press have been raving about Full Spectrum Warrior PC:

    Top 10 Games of 2004
    - PC Gamer

    Top 10 Games of 2004
    - Computer Gaming World

    “Not only is Full Spectrum Warrior a unique title, but -- as our Xbox experts who helped me preview the game were more than happy to explain -- it's looking much sharper and arguably easier to control than its console cousin.”
    - Gamespy.com

    "In our first taste of Full Spectrum Warrior on the PC, one thing is clear: as much energy as Pandemic put into designing the game for the Xbox audience and the Xbox controller, the game is a lot more intuitive on the PC because of the control scheme."
    - IGN.com

    For more information on Full Spectrum Warrior PC, please visit www.fullspectrumwarrior.com.

    About Pandemic
    Pandemic Studios, LLC is a premier developer of entertainment software for PlayStation® 2, Xbox, GameCube and the PC. Over the last 6 years, industry veterans Josh Resnick and Andrew Goldman have built Pandemic into a company of nearly 200 highly skilled programmers, designers, and artists working on high-profile titles. Pandemic is a privately held company with development studios in Los Angeles, California, and Brisbane, Australia. For more information about Pandemic please visit www.pandemicstudios.com

    - more -

    About THQ
    THQ® Inc. is a leading, worldwide developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for a variety of hardware platforms including PC CD-ROM, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc., Nintendo and Microsoft. The THQ web site is located at www.thq.com. THQ and the THQ logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc.

    *The Full Spectrum Warrior game is not sponsored or endorsed by the United States Army.

    This press release may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the business of THQ Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “THQ”), including but not limited to expectations and projections related to Full Spectrum Warrior, and are based upon management’s beliefs and certain assumptions made by management. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements, including, but not limited to economic, competitive and technological factors affecting the operations, markets, products, and pricing of THQ. Unless otherwise required by law, THQ disclaims any obligation to update its view on any such risks or uncertainties or to revise or publicly release the results of any revision to these forward-looking statements. Readers should carefully review the risk factors and the information that could materially affect THQ’s financial results, described in other documents that THQ files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal period ended March 31, 2004, and particularly the discussion of risk factors that may affect results of operations set forth therein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

    # # #
  5. Pretty cool game- unigue(sp?) idea and the voices are very good and suprisingly very funny. If you like squad based shooters like Ghost Recon or Rainbow 6 but you didnt like how it was hard to command them and shot then this is the game for you.

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