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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Fling, 27 May 2006.

  1. I feel this is probably a good place to ask this question, as you guys clearly have your fingers on the pulse of the gaming world... and frankly have the same background I do :)

    I used to play a lot of various games. I like to call it the golden age of computer gaming, the 90s, a strange combination of graphics and gameplay that was rudimentary but totally fun. That all changed for me once I found tribes. I'm just not interested in other new games. It's like tribes sucked the spark of enjoyment out of other games for me. As it is now, I know I will never game like I did again. I occasionally pick up a new game, usually single player, I still play my old games, and I still play t2 competetively.

    My theory is that games stopped being innovative. However, I realistically know that's not true, certainly I've changed. Somewhere along the way I changed too, priorities have changed as I've gone from 17 to 24. Have you guys noticed this trend? For example, the only game I'm interested in buying is spore. Nothing else on the horizon. Anyway, whats up :wave:
    Fling :D
  2. Hey Fling, Most of us are eagerly awaiting the next big game to hop into. We have since the tribes Era ended been active in a few MMORPGs and the Battlefield line of games. Even a few others we have tried theese all and found them lacking in the long run. I Agree Tribes 1 insomiax was the glory days of gameing for me as well, Yet i still enjoy the newer games while the are still new and shiney lol. Spore doe look interesting and i think we are looking forward to Huxely. BF2142, Tabula Ralsa and a few others. Keep in touxh and we'll let ya know where we end up, games today are to me made by the people i get to play with rather than the game itself or atleast thats how it seems to me.
  3. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I can sympathize with that you are saying Fling. Games nowadays just don't excite me like they used to. I can appreciate them, but they don't hold a candle to games like Tribes, and T2.

    Take Half Life 2 for example, I finally bought and played the game. It is an awesome game, but I was still all "meh" when it came to playing it. Games like the battlefield series keep me interested for a couple weeks, but essentially each game in the series is the same game with a different era and updated grpahics. If I never play through another WWII-based game in my life, I will be fortunate :D

    Innovation does seem lost, or at least dealt out in small quantities. Anyone remember that game Shadowbane (I think that is what it was called). I tried it once, but the graphics/controls were so horrid that I gave up right away. Apparently most everyone agreed that the controls/graphics/interface sucked beyond all belief, but often you can read people talk about the game in a positive light. I may be wrong, but from what I can tell, clans could set up their own keeps and raid other keeps and whatnot. That sounds awesome.... a dynamic world of war as opposed to a static world of war(craft). Unfortunantly, the innovation was shrouded with crappy game design and developers are apt to go with what has been a success in the past.

    As far as games that have peaked my interest..... as you mentioned, Spore looks great. The lack of multiplayer will certainly inhibit the game's lasting appeal (for me), but I can see myself playing the game for a long time...... Though, if and when the game is a success, I could see them developing a spore mmo much like they did with sims.

    From what I have heard, Hellgate:London sounds pretty neat.... it is being produced by the developers of Diablo (another innovation in games imo).

    I could on and on, but will stop there before it deteriorates into just one big rant :D

    *edit - spelling
    Last edited: 27 May 2006
  4. Growing up means not being able to game like you were when you were a kid. I use to have MARATHON lan sessions of Quake 2 Rocket Arena (my multiplayer team skill game of choice though i enjoyed T2 plenty) and as much as I like to think that just no game today comes close its actually probably more due to me than the games themselves. I still get really hyped for new games but I can never seem to stay focused on them for more than a week or two. A good MMO can possibly even hold me for 6-12 months, but thats about it atleast so far for the last few years.

    So I just accept it and find other things to do instead. Sitting in front of a PC screen for 40 hrs a week (work) and 40 hrs a week (gaming) dreaming of going Pro Gamer days are long gone.

    Those that really played Shadowbane will always talk about it in a good light because it did ALOT of stuff right. The multi-class, pvp, fort building, and siege were EXTREMELY ambitious and no MMO has yet to come out that has anywhere near the kind of in game construction editor it had. The insane build and upkeep costs and terrible transport system really hurt it. Stability wasn't great, lag could be bad, and most of the content was weak. I really think 1 more year of development and more money and it could have been solid. Compare to something like Asheron's Call 2, now that was a flop.
  5. I agree that T1 seemed to be the best game I've ever played. then again it was also one of a kind, it was the first in that game gere. The biggest problem for me is that life has gotten in the way of playing my games.

    I find that I dont enjoy them near as much as I used to. Thats more than likely me getting older and have more resonsibility. Most games seem to bore me, I played DS 2 for a while then it just got old felt like I was doing the same thing over and over. WoW was a game that required you to give it your first born if you were to get anywhere. If you didn't have the time to play you got owned in PVP.

    Now games like BF2 where everything is dynamic is what I think most of us are looking for. We want something that will challgen us. Something where we can work as a team toward a goal.

    I think just about any fps mmofps will bring the joy to most of us. Something that will bring us together as a team. Tribes and Planetside did just that. Its my hope that we will have something else in the near future to do the same.
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I agree. Not enough good games nowaday and nothing that maches up with Tribes :(
  7. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I think I am almost done with Quake 4 and I can't recommend it really.

    Suffers from the same crap as Doom 3. "Our models and maps have more detail and animation than anything! It looks GREAT. Too bad we decided to make about half the game in the dark."


    Uh, yeah guys. Amazing graphics there.

    At least this time 2 of your weapons have a flashlight on them.

  8. Just wait till Raven makes Soldier of Fortune 3.

    They ARE making SOF3.....
    Aren't they?
  9. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I just think that entire dark/flashlight thing is a complete cop out.

    Look at Farcry. The element of stealth in it made perfect sense to limit your light usage.

    I just finished Quake 4. Yawn.

    Here is the AI in a nutshell.

    -Character hits trigger point
    -Spawn or activate mobs
    -Mobs make a beeline for character no matter how hidden they are
    -Side step from time to time

    There are areas where you literally think,

    "Oh, they must need to eat up my ammo to make it more intense."
    "Oh, they must need to eat up my health to make it more intense."

    Here is the sad part. Unreal 2 had more of a game and story.
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Any game that can force me to have to rely on my teammates to win against another team doing the same on maps that are challenging, expansive, and realistic will get my dollar. I dislike games dominated by cowboys - give me teamwork, cheat-free gameplay and a community to back it and I am there.

    Will this great promise ever dawn upon the horizon of gaming? We can only hope.

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