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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by WarChilde, 12 Jun 2007.



    That's right, I picked this little bundle of joy up for $40 bones. It also came with a LaserWriter Pro 600. Yep yep, soon as we get moved and settle, I'll be scrounging around for a daughter card and a G4 processor so I can install OS X, heheheheheh. Oh, it'll hold up to a 1GB of ram.

    I used one of these while I was at college learning up on my animation, desktop publishing and general artsy-fartsy design courses.

    It'll cruise the information superhighway.....somewhat. It dies with netscrape3.0. Haven't been able to update the browser because of the old OS (7.6.1). I will get it working, well, it already works for sending and receiving e-mail. It has photochops 3.0 and ragemaker, err, I mean pagemaker and even Aldus Pagemaker. Yeah, it brings back memories.
    Last edited: 12 Jun 2007
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    w00t! :rofl:

    ahh 7.6.1 I spent many many hours working on that OS at my first IT job. I never wish to see it again.. We had a graphics computer lab as well as word processing labs running a similar machine. OS X is awesome.

    I am actually picking up a Macbook Pro soon, I know I will be called gay, or a sellout but screw it. The things can run windows now on top of OS X :lol:

    Aldus Pagemaker :rofl: All those apps bring back horrible memories. :p
  4. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Well, wasn't the Mac THE one to use for graphics and such? I've heard from many graphics artists and the like who use the Mac to do their stuff. Many websites designed using the Mac.

    They just suck cause they are always behind in the games they support. By the time a game comes out that is Mac supported, it is old news. I think that is the Macs main problem.

    As for graphics, Macs seriously rock.
  5. Well, I found a web browser that'll let me see the internets better than netscrape 4.7, hehhehe.

    hello world.
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Yea Chuck they are a mainstay in graphic design, mainly because they were the first on the block.

    As for games, they wont be far behind now considering that they run on Intel Processors it wont be quite a task for gaming companies to port to OS X. For example earlier this week EA announced it will be releasing a bunch of games to the mac here on out starting with the new C&C game and BF games. John Carmack demoed the new Doom Engine on a Mac earlier this week also.

    Exciting times for Mac users ;)

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