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Genesis AD

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 7 Apr 2010.

  1. Fileplanet quietly flagged this up in their brand new layout coming on April 16th. Once again another beta nobody's heard of because IGN can never be arsed to care about what they put on their sites!

    They haven't said what engine powers the game but I suspect its CryENGINE 3, due to a screenshot of the world that looks similar to another shown in CryTek's technology demo at the GDC2010 conference. Genesis AD is a Tactical-FPS being made by ijji; a Korean developer.

    The official site can be seen here, and a trailer for the game can be seen on this page. There is also a competition open exclusively to (low and behold) US and Canada players to win a number of prizes - read this thread for more details on that.

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