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Government can legally seize property

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Praetor-Vong, 24 Jun 2005.

  1. Saw this on a news site:

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development.

    Is it just me, or is this really, really scary stuff?

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I have an M-1 Garand that will give me a few hours if they try it with my home.

    This stuff is why I am a firm believer in the right to bear arms.
  3. yeah thats just crap, I heard about it last night. They can now take our homes so they can build condo's for the rich people. In the city I live in this is a real problem. Everything is getting bought up and turned into condo's left and right.

    I understand if they need it to widen the road or build something useful like a hospital....but not for big companies to make themselfs richer and take a dump all over the little guy.
  4. Most states this won't be a factor in. They have laws on the books that prevent the type of issue that was in this case. With that being said the property ownership in this country is a mess. You don't own it you basically lease from the government. They can still take it from you if you don’t pay your taxes. There needs to be a constitutional amendment defining property rights.
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    There is, it's called "... the right to bear arms." :lol:
  6. Federal mandate superseeds local state law. Just like some states says it was ok to use pot for medical purposes, the suprem court said thats a illegal....therefore its not illegal every where even in the states that say its ok
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I have a Big Black Bear called Arms coincidentally....

    They'll have to pry my land from my cold, dead hands.
  8. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    This sets a very dangerous and frightening precedent. Let me give you an example:

    You live in Anywhere Village, USA. You live in a modest house in a modest neighborhood along with other modest homes. Along comes Large Corporation Inc. who approaches the local City Council about building a new plant/mall/warehouse on the land that your modest subdivision is on.

    The City Council, having just repaved some local roads and spent oodles of money on new traffic lights, finds itself in a pinch financially and while listening to Large Corporation Inc. blather on about tremendous tax revenue, and profitable sale of the land on which your subdivision is on, gets the idea to condemn that land for the sake of "Iminent Domain". Suddenly you find yourself being approached by said City Council with what is supposedly fair market value of your home, maybe the home you have grown up in and your parents grew up in and their parents grew up in (you get the picture), and told you will sell or they will condemn your home.

    You have no choice in the matter and whether you have paid for the home and are debt free is irrelevant. You must now move and find a new home and allow Large Corporation Inc. to build their plant/mall/warehouse on what was once your personal property.

    Where has the America I knew gone?

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    it's still here, america is a contradiction, our economic system is based on whoever is the best gets the most, however our rights try to make it so everyone is even. meant to balance each other things tip to one side here and there and then there is a fuss and it gets fixed only for something else to pop up. someone will take this too far somewhere sometime and it will get fixed.
  10. America is quickly not being the Land of the free. They would have to arrest me inorder to get me out of my house. I would refuse and fight till the very end, then would come my right to bear arms and protect my home and family.

    Its a sad day when freedom really is starting to only apply to very rich and weathly....i mean they pay less taxes that most of us do now. makes me sad, I really hope this country starts adobting some of our old values.

    What will our children and grandchildren do?
  11. Its time to rally the troops so to speak, if everybody and I do mean everybody makes it known to your local, state and federal elected officials this kind of disregard of property rights must not stand. Other wise we are just the sheep.
  12. i agree that this is really pretty shitty...my big question...why are we angry and posting in every forum i have read about this now? after the fact? has this been in the news or anything? when did it go to the supreme court? what caused it to go there? was this something that just snuck its way thru the courts? we have shitloads of lobbyists out there...i hate them all...unfortunatly it seems that only one side is getting heard...now i am a republican and i try to support my current govt at this point...but ya know...where were the protests WHILE this was going on? where were all the freedom loving petucculi smell'n hairy dirty hippies on this one? maybe if they got off thier tush and looked at THIS country instead of caring if a terrorist...who simply hates us for no better reason than we have running water...CAPATILISTS PIGS!!!...gets proper legal representation...we might be able to affect some goddamn change in our own friggn country...im tired of people bitching after the fact...hell..im tired of bitching after the fact...im tired of being informed that paris hilho has a new fragarance out just after her engagement to...paris...and so and so wants an apology because something was said that hurt her poor little feelings...tell me what is important in the media please...i really couldn't give a rats ass that tom cruise has totally gone off the deep end with scientology and his new love...bah...im totally digressing...just frustrated i guess...when im dicta....ummm...ruler of this world...boy will things be different....

  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Yeah, I will end up as the house-boy.

  14. now that is quite an honored position...you would have to be able to make my bloody marys just the way i like them...think you could actually cut it? ;)

    besides....i prefer the term "cabanna boy"
  15. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    Immenent domain was set up in the constitution. It was for the government in time of need.

    What has happenned now is big corporations are funding these "studies" for government agencies. The big problem here is now they have given the local government the power that used to be big government.

    Watch for Walmart and Target make their moves now against all those holdouts that have kept them at bay.

    I would love to see Walmart want the land that the sepreme court justices owned and take it.
  16. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    It's already started:


    Damn straight!

    Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

    I forget who said this: There are four boxes to use in defense of freedom: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order.
  17. yeah...this will let blowberg here in nyc finally have the means to get his stadium...be it jets or giants....he wants somethig that will attract the olympics....thing is...no one that lives here in nyc wants it...this will also allow him to undercut the value of many places to build his stadium... after an mta fare hike and laying off workers..they were willing to sell land(old raildyards) to the giants (Bloomberg) for millions less than what it was valued at...even tho offers for more were made...now...the olympics are a great incintive for our local poli's to sign off on the reason to sell it for less...less is more in thier eyes...more for them...more for the unions...less room and more mess for the locals of nyc...9 out of ten average new yorkers (city) do not want the olympics in nyc....there are already too many frigg'n people here already...
  18. I think we are over looking the main way that polties and bussiness is ran in America....the back room trade aka bribes to gov officals. not like its not been going on for ever, now there will just be more of them
  19. step one: eliminate all lobbyists....by all means necessary...they fall #2 in my list of most despised people...
  20. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Yay! I maintained my #1 ranking!

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