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Ground Control II

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 16 Jun 2004.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    This game is an RTS with a Sort of Sci-Fi plot. The graphics are the best I have ever seen in an RTS. The best way to describe the battle system is Starcraft meats C&C:Generals. The game unlike most RTS, does not rely on creating bases which allow you to make units. Instead there are drop ship points which you capture, which allows your ship to land and unload reinforcements that you bought. You can upgrade your drop ships armor(health), weapons, cargo hold(units can carry), fuel(length of time drop ship stays on screen),equipment (units), and engines (speed).

    Also unlike most RTSs you don't "harvest" money to purchase units, instead you earn points by killing units and taking victory points as well as drop ship points.

    This game relies heavily on tactics instead of "micro" or "macro" units on a hill have a greater advantage than units on a flat surface, you can choose different formations of squads, you can put units in buildings, in forested areas infantry have an advantage and vehicles can't go through.

    I may suck at describing games (today I wrote 3, 5 paragraph essays in 2 hours along with all the other great stuff that you do with finals :( ), but try and give it a shot. I only played the single player demo, but here is the link to both demos: http://www.groundcontrol2.com/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=1
  2. Semi-decent, but when compared with the original, it makes me cry. :( :mad:
  3. Er, let me think about this for a moment...............

    (wheels turn)

    I'll only probably get it if it doesn't crash aftter Level 3...
  4. Glad to see this game coming back. I actually wrote an online review of the first one. The hardest thing here is the learning curve. Great graphics, etc. only get ya so far - if your opponent has the game down you will not win... was my only complaint. Ended up shelving the first one :(
  5. i (don't) have beta and it's ermm ok at best.
  6. just tried the demo and I must say I wasn't impressed. Graphics were great, sounds as well. I didn't like the controls so much, I'd give them game 6.0
  7. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Hmm I played the online thing...I find there is a large lack of units and its too much like Warcraft II (if you are a n00b and never played the game, the units were almost the same as each other on both sides). I also think they should have made the terrans a playable "race" for added diversity. I think if they spent more time on the units, and added some, the game would be great.

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