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Guild Wars Beta Events

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by qor72, 3 Dec 2004.

  1. GuildWars BWE #2 kicked up today -- yes today for those playing :) They changed the launch time to allow the other timezones a full weekend of play.

    Qor Ronin will be making an appearance this time as a Me/R - we'll see how he does.

  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    sweet, I have a few characters: semel militis the warrior is my highest level one. Send me a wisper if you are on!
  3. Never played, and I don't know anything about it. :eek:
    However, I just made an account, so I gues we'll see how it goes... :thumbsup:

  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Maybe it's because I'm jaded from WoW, but I find this game to be lacking. The equipment system is just terrible, it takes so long to gain the materials needed for a armor which is just a bit better than the one you are equipped with. Some of the weapons dropped by enemies are also just ridiculous. Why would I want a sword that leaches one HP every time I hit a target but constantly drains my health at an even faster rate?

    The quests seem to have little story behind them, and are drawn out for way too long. I became tired of killing the constant stream of mobs. Speaking of mobs, they do not vary at all throughout entire quests, which give the constant feeling of daja vu. The only time you see “different” mobs are the "boss" ones, which are actually the same as the mobs you see throughout the quest but their stats are buffed and they glow some random color.

    The skills also aren't that impressive either. The warrior gets mostly weapon specific skills, which means after you decide the weapon path to go, you will miss 2/3 of the other weapon skills. The elementalist also suffers from a similar problem, you have to choose what elemental tree you will follow and ignore the rest of the skills. The monk's skills are mostly the same with some small variations. The ranger's animal training tree is just useless. There is no control over the pet at all, and the AI is so terrible that it just randomly engages enemy mobs not even close to you.

    Do others see these shortcomings or am I going insane?
  5. Guild wars drives me insane.
  6. Geewiz, based upon the comments I'm beginning to see here, I'm thinking perhaps that I should avoid this...

  7. Depends on what you are looking for. If you are a fan of EQ/WoW/UO then likely this isn't for you. You will not spend years working up skills to build armor. Having just played, I've never been lacking for materials. If I am, I go to town and trade with someone. Did both my level 5 and 10 armor that way.

    Remember that the focus of this game is NOT questing. While there are quests etc. for those of us that enjoy them, the focus is on the GUILD wars. Next event kick up a level 20 and see how your luck is in the Arena.

    Personally, I love this game. Kicks EQ/WoW out the door to me. Being able to get a group or build one with AIs and go off is very nice. Not having to grind anything really and focusing on the SKILL of the player instead of their levels appeals to me.

  8. Me too. On the bright side its free anyway, so we won't have to worry about that.
  9. Another Beta Weekend starts tomorrow (Fri Jan 7 2005) so break out your clients and keys and jump in! :)

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