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Guild Wars World Event This weekend

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Aeternus, 28 Oct 2004.

  1. The open event for Guild wars starts this weekend but I've been able to start setting up a char and loading some assests already... so anyone interested may want to check it out...

    I think I may go Necro/Warrior

    edit: Ok...I'm in game...
    Last edited: 28 Oct 2004
  2. fun game

    Warrior/Elemental for me
  3. I made a Necro/Warr first...but decided it was a bad combo...(Who'd a thunk?)

    Warr/Mo - Lord Micel Arfaest
    Last edited: 28 Oct 2004
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    It's not that bad a combo Aeternus. Good spells along with minions! Who could ask for more?
  5. well...i was gettin ganked up close and not really dealin any damage in melee...

    the necro side was cool and effective...
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Did you put your skill points in? Made a whole lot of difference!

    I was dealing out between 10 and 15 dmg / hit. Add that along with some of the spells in your spellbook and it's a pretty potent combo. Hit them from far off, and then close in for the killing blow.
  7. My character from the last preview was still there. Necro\Mesmer. Not the best combo, as the mesmer side seems to suck a little. But I seem to do really well. The necro dishes out some nice ranged combat, might be the weapon, and pets tank rather nicely especially with an army of them.

    Might have to remake him though and try ranger or monk out.
  8. ok....I logged in....gave my guy a name and appear to have a bunch of spells and a wand that fires over a distance....What did I do/make?

    I walked from one town to another and now I think i'm actually online playin....And again I am confused....what character did I choose/create? or does that happen later?
  9. Well...for turds and giggles I set up a Clan Draconus Lupus guild for the weekend....

    Not that it means anything since its only for 3 days...but whateva

    Guild standard around my neck

    Last edited: 29 Oct 2004
  10. When you start your char...you choose the primary and secondary class...this gives you a stock char /w preset skill set > lvled to 15. After that, once you get into the first city/fort 'Lion's Arch' , you can go see a guy named Sergio somesuch...and purchase additional skill sets to use

    edit: And is it just me, or does the female char in the middle of the load screens look like Jolene Blalock?
    Last edited: 29 Oct 2004
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    hehe, Dyganth had already set up the DragonWolves guild.

    BTW, our Necros look the same...damnit.
  12. I made a monk/mesmer the first time

    This time I tryed a warrior/monk but diddnt like him

    So now im playing a elemental/mesmer, which is pretty cool, they both have neat self only buffs, and the elemental has some auras.
  13. I figured someone had since when i tried to invite you it said you were already in one... but i figured it wouldn't let me create a guild w/ a name or tag already taken...which didn't happen

    and isn't that teh suc ...wasted my $$
    Last edited: 29 Oct 2004
  14. I think I speak for everyone when I say "yippee"!

    There are MMOs out there I've played, and subsequently hated, yet this one I am starting to enjoy. So... anychance we'll se a Guild Wars Section for the Forums sometime in the near future?
  15. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    How is the game good or bad?
  16. R/N here, just look up Qor Ronin for those that are in Beta.

    I enjoy the game, just do NOT go in looking for a traditional MMORPG. This is not EQ, or Wow, or SWG - this is GW. There is a PvE world, where you can "solo" with AI henchman (who often do their job better than humans! lol) and just look at the world or go off and follow the various stories that unfold. You can PvP...

    This is probably the hardest game I've had to explain to people. Take EQ, take CS, and slam them together with Diablo and you might get close.

    As for me, Beta weekends here I come. :) First one Nov 6!

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