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Guild Wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Makersmarx, 8 Oct 2010.

  1. Anyone play this at all still? I picked up the complete set yesterday at Wal-Mart for 39 bucks, and like it so far. It has its problems, but can you say FREE once you purchase the game! If anyone is still playing let me know I am working on the first chapter Prophecies as an Elementalist.
  2. I still have it installed although I never got any of the expansions. It's been quite a while since I played it. I liked it but I am really looking forward to Guild Wars 2. I am currently playing Runes of Magic. It's free to play but of course with limitations...mounts, bank and bag space and such.
  3. I have to check that one out also Faith. I wasn't feeling the LOTRO F2P and this seemed like a good alternative. Funny thing about GW2 I saw in chat was all the debate on whether or not they would let you jump lol.

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