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Hail and well met Dragonwolves!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by SocialScholar42, 1 Jul 2009.

  1. This is RaptorMax under a new handle here (I forgot my password and stopped using that handle years ago), my life has finally settled down enough that I actually have free time for games again, or at least a game or two ;). I was thinking about jumping back in to Eve, how active of a division do we have at the moment?

    Also, who in the world is still around? And what is everyone playing these days?
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!

    I am still kicking. :)

    Currently playing Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, doing some CoD: 4, dabbled in a few other FPS's. Many of us are on Steam.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    We're currently looking at a couple of games CDL can get back into. I personally am burned out on fantasy MMOs, so the games I'm looking at are Global Agenda and Jumpgate Evolution. I'm playing some Quake Wars: Enemy Territory and Team Fortress 2. Thought about getting back to Eve, but with my summer schedule I don't think I'm going to have much time planning and playing a character in any MMO right now.
  4. Heh, I dont expect to have much time to play my eve character this summer, however I have the money now, and I can get the skills training now.

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