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Hail P|stachio!!!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 6 Jul 2003.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Today was a grand day indeed! I received in the mail none other than a Dragon Wolf scale from the far east! The valiant warrior and brave Dragon Wolf who is called -CDL-P|stachio risked life and limb to attain the most honored of gifts; a Dragon Wolf scale! But beyond that, he has honored myself in sending it to me! Thus I honor the giver in accepting the gift!

    I will always treasure this wonderful and mysterious scale. It is a gift that exceeds my humble thanks. In young -CDL-P|stachio beats the heart of the future of the -CDL-, a future glowing with promise. His is Honor, Valor, and thus Victory!

    I edited for pictures:


  2. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    P|STACHIO is too shy to say anything in reply but he did have a great big smile on his face as we read this post together. <3

    I hope you enjoy your dragon wolf scale, Manitou. I hear it comes from the bravest dragonwolf ever to have walked this world. The last of his kind, he died bravely in battle.

    13 scales were removed from his chest and thrown into the ocean as is the custom with dragonwolves. Finders of these scales are the bravest, strongest and most loyal warriors of all the lands. The dragonwolf scale brings good fortune and is a call to duty to fight for those who can't fight for themselves... so P|STACHIO tells me.
  3. Too cool. I've been looking for dragonwolf scale for ages, but now that I know the story, I can see why it was P|stachio who found it!
  4. yes i now see that too My dad(Manitou)to had a great big smile knowing that the brave pistachio gave it to him he was very happy.
  5. That is most charitable of thee, young P|istachio. Consideration of others should be a paramount responsibility in all decent men, and no force in the world can corrupt the pure spirit.
  7. Such an amazing feat for one so young. It truely shows that it is the heart of the dragonwolf that matters.

    Great work P|stachio!
  8. Nice

  9. Well Done proud and loyal Warrior! You have bestowed good fortune and honor upon us all with your brave and gernerous act.


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