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Hail to the Dragonwolves!

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Nasilar, 18 Nov 2005.

  1. Hail to thee, members of the mighty Dragonwolf clan!

    I am Nasilar, of Twisting Nether, formerly Gensaroth of Laughing Skull. I followed Lochborne here from Stacked Deck, and am looking forward to working with a well organized, mature group of gamers! This is my first time in a guild this organized, and I hope it will be fun.

    As for myself, I am currently employed by my Uncle Sam, as a student at NNPTC. I am origionally from California, but most recently from South Carolina. I will finish this later as I just recieved an invite to go to the movies.
  2. Greets and Welcome :)

    Your RPing is to be applauded :) (always love a good rper)

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