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Half Life 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Paladin, 15 Nov 2004.

  1. Ok so if your planning on getting this game you can down load it threw steam and have it on your system if you have a cd key already (ie came with a video card).

    You know tomorrow there servers will be slammed
  2. all downloaded and ready to unlock!
  3. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Not so impressed by it. All the in-game blink vids I’ve seen haven’t moved me in the buy direction either…
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I may get it depending on what I read. If this is going to end up becoming just another Doom 3 then no I will not.

    Edit: I just read the review at Game Spot and it sounds like it is just like Doom 3 (nothing new but good graphics and a weak plot.) :(
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2004
  5. a lot of that going around... doom 3, now hl 2 sounds disapointing... i've got halo 2 and playing through it the plot isnt too thick, but damn that multiplayer is good
  6. It's out for people to try or to continue their collection of the saga, they aren't expecting everyone to like it...
  7. it is 2:03 and I am unlocking hl2 right know :D Its going to be a good night
  8. Got a 96% in PCG but i dont really trust them Doom 3 got above 90% too i believe.
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Is there something I am missing? D3 was a great game :confused:
  10. I didnt like it.
  11. wow... i definetly had fun playing that game last night. I got to the manipulator gun and went to bed... The graphics are the best I have seen on my dinky Radeon 9000, and the physics are unbeleavably realistic. This seems to be meeting my high expectations and I insist that everyone play it at some point to see for themselves.

    Of course im probably not even a quarter of the way through the game yet :p
  12. Being the epitome of lazy that I am, how much does HL2 cost?
  13. Depends if you have an X-box or not :p
  14. The gold package on steam seemed like the best package to me. $50 I think.

    So far I'm enjoying it pretty well. Started a little slow, took little to long to get a gun into my hand to start blasting things for my taste, I mean it is an fps. Main gripe is the constant loading...
  15. Yeah the game runs pretty good on my decent video card (6800 GT) and the physics are damn amazing.
  16. gold package is 100 bucks, but only get that if you want the swag. Bronze is 50 but it only comes with hl2 and cs:s. Silver is probably the best deal if you like valve because it comes with every game they have made as well as day of defeat: source which is an alternate mp mod. Thats like 70 or 80 dollars.

    ya it does load a lot and takes a good 30 seconds to a minute for me, but thats really the only breaks you get in the game, which is good when you have a small bladder :p
  17. So far I'm loving HL2, the graphics are best to date in any game, interaction with the objects in the world is just unreal. I mean I picked up a soda can and threw it at the police man and then he came over and beat on me a bit and then left me alone. But its so damn cool all the things you can do here.

    Story line so far is very very good and has my attention, I can't wait to see whats next.
  18. Im gonna grab it soon... 5 finger Discount for me. Then in time i will buy it.
  19. Good game. The plot is only bad because they don't explain a goddamn thing. Who is the G-Man? Why is City 17 the way it is? Who're the Combine? What is their relation to The Overwatch (the human soldiers you fight)? And much, much more. I wish they'd have spent more time explaining what's what.
  20. I just finished the game, it wasn't to bad. The reason why they don't explain a lot is because from what I gathered was explained in Half life 1 (I never played it I just asked someone that I knew played hl1. Anyways The game is pretty cool. The fighting gets better as you progress the only thing I didn't like was the ending but overall it was a pretty good game.

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