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Hello All

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Sernes, 6 Feb 2008.

  1. Hello All this is Sernes here just wanted to register to guild site just in case : ) Even though pretty much everything here i cant see but though i would do it any ways LOL
  2. Heya Sernes!

    Sernes is a new member of the DAoC division. (yes we are still alive and kicking here ;) ) I will get her through the steps to get access to the DAoC forums.
  3. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Welcome Sernes! :hi:
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!
  5. Greetings Sernes!
  6. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Greetings and welcome! :D
  7. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    Welcome aboard!
  8. Hail and Well Met Sernes.
  9. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

  10. Om

    Om DragonWolf


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