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Hello(Application to join)

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Razzler, 8 Mar 2002.

  1. Hey, I would like to join Clan Draconus Lupus AKa Dragonwolves.
    I'll start with my contact info:

    Warrior Name: TheRazzler
    Email- Desolationrazz@hotmail.com
    AIM- Razzler7k

    ok, now on to some other stuff.
    I had played tribes since it came out, i played with some of you guys a few times before. I became good at tribes, so Iupgraded my comp so I could play T2.
    Now about my skills:
    im an average capper at scout and assult class armors.
    a good dueler in scout armor.
    but my favorite is Juggernaut D and scout D. and i believe that I am getting very good at it. not elite or anything, but better than average.
    Why i want to join:
    Ive watched you guys play and played with you on servers since T1, and your good. but thats not my reason, its because you help each other with skills, and are all friends. your organized and practice, and your still happy win or lose, because its fun. at least thats what ive seen. your always improving each others skills and your competitive and serious, yet you know its still just a game and is overall fun to play. thats why i want to join.

    Thx for considering me.
    Last edited: 9 Mar 2002
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I remember you, Razzler. Good to see you still around. We will be in touch.


  3. Great Dane


  4. Hey

    ya, I've been dropping by your server the past 5days or so, (the bigRed one) and noone ever seems to be in it.
    I see a few of you guys in the irc chan once in awhile.
    What time do you usally play?
    weekends- i can get on at any time
    weekday- somewhere between 4-9 CT
  5. ICQ

    oh yeah, and my icq # is 153171483
  6. Razzle if ya want to find most of these Bozo's get on Dynamix on Mirc look up channel #CDL. They live in there.

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