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Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Smiles, 28 Mar 2003.

  1. I am interested in joining CDL for the Planetside Division.

    I have been in two different clans since I found Tribes 1. I played for CyberClan in BEML, and I co-founded Absolut Zero not long after Tribes 2 came out.

    I have been a permanent (almost) lurker in your chat room in irc.dynamix.com. This is because (and I wish I knew more details) but I remember one of you posting in TWL forums, and i remember thinking you guys had a good bond.

    Anyway, I am more in these games for the community. Playing with friends and meeting new ones is what this is about to me.


    PS: Wow I sound campy...:)
  2. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    OMG! Mani, Throne, this is the guy I warned you about! :p~
  3. lol HTS you big meanie...

    I paid good paypal funds to you for that?!
  4. heeeey...i know this guy!!!

    he's not so bad...a real decent sort.. ;)
  5. Hiya Flight! :)

    at least im still good with the ladies, even if i don't make it in this stu- i mean ono!

  6. Om

    Om DragonWolf

  7. smiles is a pain in the ass.

    hmm mb i shouldnt say such things or my playing time in T2 might diminish :\ . smiles is good people and great team player :hump:
  8. lol jackal...

    im gonna start scheduling conflicts with 7man now :)
  9. lol which one is me?
  10. the one gettin whacked :fight:

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