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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Draconis, 27 Sep 2006.

  1. so i dld the free company of heroes single player demo...unzipped it and installed it only to get an error saying "not enough virtual memory to run the game.your system total paging file must be at least 768 mb. Please consult the manual that came with your OS system." But when i check the dxdiag for my virtual memory it says i have 1452MB available and 502 MB used. Please give your advice or tell me if my computer cant run it :-(. I dont see why it shouldnt be able to though. only a 2.4g processor with 1512 mb RAM, Radeon x700 pro 256 card
  2. <Right Click> My Computer and select properties...select Advanced tab...under Performance select properties...select advanced tab...under virtual memory click change...select custom size and se the Initial size equal to the amount of memory you have (1.5 gig of ram is 1536MB)...set the Maximum to double the size of your ram (3072MB)...click OK 3 times to exit then reboot your computer.

    Let me know if that helps.
  3. well that fixed the problem thanks chuck....also does that mean every since i put my 1g stick in i havent been taking advantage of it? if so i feel like an idiot
  4. No. Your virtual memory is used to cache your memory for faster access to things.
  5. ahh gotcha

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