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Hi! Would like to Join.

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Razervox, 2 Dec 2004.

  1. Hi, I'm a friend RL of indecisive. We met at school and told me all about your clan... I am really interested in joining you all and would love to help the cause! I'm subscribed to CoH right now but indecisive gave me his 10 day guest pass and WoW is GREAT! Probably going to make that transition... So I would love for you all to consider me and thanks for giving me the chance. my IG name for my WoW chars are Razervox and Glaive on laughing skull server. My CoH char is named KoRn on Champion Server (Lvl 25 Fire/fire Tanker). Hope to see you all in the future!
  2. woot :)

    raz is indeed a good friend of mine, and I back him 100%

  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    There goes my vote.
  4. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    you know indy.....im srry


  5. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Welcome and Greeings! Looking forward to playing with you
  6. k, so dont screw up or ill strangle you :D
    Last edited: 2 Dec 2004
  7. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    If he screws up Kaoz gets him. There won't be much left to strangle. ;D
  8. *twitch*

    ah.....the nice sound of bones snaping like twigs......aahhh!
  9. Okies, so under command of the great arglaar, i hereby update this thread:

    Glaive (aka raz) has been pizzownt by his mom, he was going to by the game the day his trial ran out, but made the mistake of telling said mom of this :p

    Insert death threat here, along the lines of "dont you buy that fucking game, you're getting it for christmas"

    so now hes stuck till chrismas :p

    hes adicted as you or me though, so he'll be back soon :D
  10. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    Welcome :thumbsup:

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