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High Blood Pressure? (This might make it soar)

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by 45 semi, 30 Mar 2003.

  1. Just thought I would enlighten you all as to what the 'cream of the left' is saying about the people in the military....

    Because of a faked war pic of aircraft carrier w/ faked 'f_ck iraq' spelled out by sailors bodys.


    Here they talk about how our military is composed of the dregs of society...


    Here they talk about their lack of sympathy for the parents of our dead soldiers...


    Iraqi civilians feed hungry US marines



    US pilots "bask in glory" of bombing Baghdad


    Know what?, some of them said things to the effect of
    'you better not say this in public because someone is gonna catch us at it, and repost it for others to read!'

    Tough Sh_t!!!...you said it, now live up to it!

    To be fair, about 1/2 of them decried these posts, but there are PLENTY of crappy comments there similar to these!...
  2. gaahhh...why do i even look or read those thing...great...someone give me a valium im out of percocet...
  3. motherfuckers like that should try going out onto the front lines themselves. well see how big they talk then.
  4. Great Dane


    They won't come out from behind there protective little shell of the Internet.

    Hell all I did was call a protester a fucking idiot and he tried to have me arrested.
  5. I'm sure that everyone would be intelligent enought to realize that the people writing those things do not in any way represent the sentiments of other left-minded persons, such as myself. I for one am opposed to the current United States Government. I don't take anything up agaisnt the soldiers. I however do have something against the people who are profiting from these wars.

    Well those are my 2 cents. :)
  6. /me beats derfud up and takes his 2 cents ;)
  7. Great Dane


    He's Canadian Test.

    His opinion diesn't matter, and at todays exchange rates his $0.02 isn't worth anything either.
  8. Ouch! I can't stand Bush domestically and I think his foreign policy is/was inane. (Not to excuse France, Germany, and Russia for pandering to anti-American sentiment) However, we've got a war on. Recriminations are for later - right now our people on the ground deserve every ounce of support they can get.

    See how much fucking protesting these guys would be doing under Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, or Ayatollah Khameini.

    Why can't our protesters light themselves on fire like the Tibetans? Seriously. At least then I'd watch.
  9. Some of those protesters would be the first to sign up if:

    1. They got free drugs.

    2. If the pres was the person of their choice. I didn't see many of these protesters when the US was bombing Yugoslavia.

    3. If it stopped a woman’s right to choose. Then he has a way to get out of the child support. Free love and all that jazz.

    I understand the feelings about a war. War should never be taken lightly or considered first. What would concern me more, is if 10 years down the road and Iraq has several nukes and holds the region hostage. Then you would really see blood for oil.

    What ifs are always 20/20, but if the World had stopped Germany in the same way prior to 1938, 6 million people may have not died.

    Quote of doom from William Chamberlain, "We'll have peace in our time." just before Germany invaded Poland.
  10. something i found out the other day...your chamberlain quote reminded me...and the loss of only 6 million people...over 20 million russions died in wwII...3 for every jew in the concentration camps...i think thats right...im pretty sure those are the numbers as insane as they may sound...someone can correct me if im wrong
    Last edited: 1 Apr 2003
  11. Are you counting the Russian combat losses? Those were tremendous, yah, but they were (at least attempting to be) soldiers. Not quite the gas chambers, still horrible.

    If the U.S. had implemented its post-WWII Russia invasion plan...heh. Hindsight 20/20 and all that jazz.
  12. yes Hitler should have been stopped in 1935 when he FIRST violated the versailles treaty and when he only had 100,001 troops(1 over the limit set by the versailles treaty). Far fewer would have died. How the europeans wear their foolishness as a badge of honor when they speak about the "horrors of war".
  13. Well if it was such a big deal why didn't the US act until late 1941? Oh yeah! That was becuase they got attacked! I wonder what would have happened if they didn't get attacked...
  14. America did not ratify the Versailles treaty. We had no right to declare war on Hitler for violating it.
  15. The War Resolution
    Declaring that a state of war exists between the Government of Germany and the government and the people of the United States and making provision to prosecute the same.
    Whereas the Government of Germany has formally declared war against the government and the people of the United States of America:

    Therefore, be it

    RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the state of war between the United States and the Government of Germany which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the government to carry on war against the Government of Germany; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States.

    December 11, 1941
  16. we get grief if we stay out...and grief if we get involved it seems...
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I think Hitler declared war on us before December 11th. I think it was part of his master plan to have Japan harass us until it was too late. Too bad Japan woke "the sleeping giant".
  18. to qualify because this has been not so successful a trolling, America has done its share of bad things. Find some and harp on them so we can keep this going.
  19. why's there always so much negative when it comes to the u.s?
    never the good things...never the contributions to the world...things like that...course as americans if we ever said that outloud they would think we were bragging or being cocky..yeah the u.s had to help europe out of two wars...not saying that to be cocky..but im proud...big difference...
  20. Because then we might be the good guys if people realized how much that is good that we do. But I just want to keep this thread going.

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