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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Chops, 29 Sep 2004.

  1. I dont know if anyone here has heard of this game named Half-Life. It was made by a company called Valve like a long time ago. But anyway, they are coming out with a sequal called Half-Life 2, and it should be really neat. :p

    But seriously.. The latest news on this game is that PC Gamer should have a review of the completed game in their next issue. And they have given out the details for their distribution packages:
    Retail Boxes

    * Standard Edition — includes HL2 and CS:Source. Ships on six CDs, in one of three box-art packages (Gordon, Alyx or the G-Man),
    * Collector's Edition — includes Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source, a Half-Life 2 T-shirtand a Prima book sampler. Ships on a single DVD.

    Steam Packages

    * Bronze — HL2* and CS:Source.
    * Silver — HL2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam.
    * Gold — HL2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam, Complete Strategy Guide from Prima Games, 3 different Half-Life 2 posters, Half-Life 2 hat, Half-Life 2 postcard, Half-Life 2 stickers, Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD, Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased).

    Wow, that gold steam package looks mighty interesting. Day of Defeat Source isn't something that you should miss out on, and you will be able to play CS:Source next week if you buy online. I think that with these mulit-player games and the hundreds of other mods that will be out (plus the mods some CDL are working with), we could make a pretty cool division. Yes, its possible that it could take another month or 6 before the game is released, but all of this news lately has been getting me pumped. (minus the legal battle crap)
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    It is all a lie. Half Life 2 will never come out. It is a propaganda machine.
  3. I think you are talking about that Duke Nukem game...THAT will never come out.

  4. Don't post this crap on the fourms, HL 2 doesn't exist, it never has its all a lie...

    just like the little green people that run around
  5. After that little statement I think I'll order the GOLD bundle off of the Steam servers. Since they whole lot may be built as a DVD for the download, I can write it to a disc and put a CD label on it later.

    In a more related statement though for the AGN (when a site for AGN News didn't exist), I spoke of designing cg-videos for the ads on the AGN broadcasts, but, because I was very good map and model-wise for HL1... I may be able to build the whole broadcasts in the engine from HL2 and then record them for viewing pleasure as a .WMV file!

    Before I even consider this however, since I will probably be doing all of it myself, I want to know what the AGN and PSU staff would feel about re-releasing the three AGN broadcasts as a HL2-inspired video...
    Last edited: 29 Sep 2004
  6. /bans all around

    This is a blaspheme that should be drowned. I refuse to buy anything dealing with steam.
  7. Valve and its publisher are going to court over HL2. They may hold it for another six months. The reason they are going to court is becuase of the Steam download of the game.
  8. Yeah I know all that, the impending urge to get kicks from tarnishing the names of developers seems to be a popular pastime nowadays.
  9. yea, I know about the legal battle but with this anounced all over, they can't possibly take it back now.... right?! :p (nervous laughter)

    Basically if you could take valves word, anyone can be playing hl2 multi-player by next week. I'm not ashamed to admit that I really enjoyed the original Counterstrike when I played it during the beta, and I am looking foward to playing the gold version of cs:source. But I guess we will see....
  10. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  11. Yeah, both BluesNews and PHL posted it withing moments of each other.

    At least this strengthens the fact we will have an engine to make all the things off of PSIL with...
  12. Hahahaha. All you nonbelievers! Your time has come!
  13. Exactly what I thought when I read this!

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