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Hmm... whats that noise?

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by 45 semi, 14 Sep 2001.

  1. uh, a dozen C-130's in a row flying over :)
    Fayette-nam, NC
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    No joke? Hmmmm......

  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I saw 2 F-15's (or 16's not sure too high) fly over my house the other day :eek:
  4. Heh ... lucky me... I get to live near Ellington Field (ok ... it's on the other side of Houston, but it's still in Houston :) )

    For those that don't know .... Ellington is where the Air-Force-1 escorts fly out of...
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  6. Yea .. it's a pretty cool place ... I took most of my MCSE tests there ... (there's a Sylvan testing center that is open on the weekends) and I got to watch the planes take off and land while I was testing ...

    Way Cool...
  7. Great Dane


    I live near Moffit Field and we used to get C-130's and F-18's flying over all the time before they closed the base. It's an incredible site to see a C-130 land. They come in right over the freeway and are only a couple hundred feet off the ground when they do. It really freaks you out if your driving alond and one of them flys right over your head!!

    At least NASA bought the base so it's not sitting there empty :)
  8. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I used to live on Travis AFB. The biggest base on that side of our country. I saw and heard this shit all the time. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.
  9. use the force Luke..........Luke A.F.B. here

    all we need to do is send in a couple of puff's and there will be no more afgonistaind

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