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Howdy Ho, fellow Hanovarians!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by perinn, 22 May 2007.

  1. Greetings,

    I found your clan from a google search for "Hanover PA Warcraft". Do you guys still actively play WoW? If so, what realm?

    I've been in and out of WoW for over 2 years and very interested in meeting local gamers. Me and a couple friends live around the Hanover PA area and have access to a facility which we could use to all play together in the same room.

    We are pretty well established on Spirestone realm. If anyone is interested in getting together for fun and horde bashing around Hanover PA on a regular basis, send me an e-mail or PM.

    Before my last account cancellation, I was involved in an alliance guild called "Guile" on the Stormscale realm. We did MC, ZG, AQ, and BWL raids. Too bad that guild has since disbanded. :(

    Eventually I'd like to get together a group of friends to regularly meet. Primarily to meet new people with interests in WoW and eventually do the high-end raids.

    Thanks for the forum and I look forward to meeting some of you.


    yahoo sn: neffland_2000
    Last edited: 22 May 2007
  2. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    I believe the only people from hanover that are active, are Blackice and I, but we don't really play much WoW anymore, we are more FPS guys at heart
    edit: I may be interested in coming back, although I played on LS, wouldn't mind rerolling maybe, I'll have to see
  3. I had tried to get a LAN party together a couple years ago. At the time the facility would allow our organization to use it free of charge. Right after I sent out the "Free LAN Party" notices, the facility changed their policy and wanted to charge us something ridiculous.

    My organization has since purchased their own facility which they will allow us to use free for LAN party get-togethers.

    So if you guys are strictly FPS, we could do that too. BF2 is my main game.

    If your interested in getting back into WoW, let me know. I think we could be really successful to have 4 or 5 guys playing in the same room (Southpark anyone?).

    Thanks for the response,
  4. I have been playing a lot of CSS lately. I probably won't be in the Hanover area much at all after June 15th though.

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