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Huxley Closed Beta on FP

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 3 Jun 2009.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    They are giving keys to FP subscribers for the closed beta Huxley.
  2. Bah, signed back up for fileplanet for a month heh.
  3. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Sweet, also if you OPted in a few months back they sent out a bunch of keys as well.. Check your emails.

    Downloaded the game client now. Cant wait to test it out.
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I got my invite and am downloading the client as I type this. Too bad I won't be able to try this game out until Monday, as the beta test times seem to run from 2pm to 10pm PST (which translates to 5pm til 1am EST). But post here the particulars if you get an invite (Server, faction, etc) so we can at least try this game with as many Dragonwolves as possible.
  5. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    hmmm, it says the 1st CBT is closed now, but still prompts you to fill in your key from fileplanet.. Does this mean that fileplanet gets you in even though the CBT is closed now?
  6. Don't know, I installed the client last night when takes you to a website to log in and launch the game but the launcher never did anything so not sure what was wrong.
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I got my invite from IJJI website, the ones who are putting out Huxley. I am installing the client right now.
  8. same i dl from fileplanet. make account on ijji. put in beta key. CLick on button to Play and nothing happens
  9. My game starts and i make it through the intro but i lock up at the login screen and have to shutdown.
  10. I made it in too, I actually had access on June 3rd so I've been playing since then. Funny thing is, I only got the email saying I was in yesterday lol. I hear that scanning on the launcher can fix some of the problems, but it's still pretty buggy.
  11. what do you mean by "scanning on the luancher"? All i see is the button that says download and play live, so i click on it but nothing happens
  12. ok, so i got it to work by using firefox instead of IE. but the game still has horrendous lag especially when zoning.
  13. On the website if the play button is grey and nothing happens when you click on it, it means the servers are down at the moment. They're only up 2pm - 10pm PST and as far as i know only weekdays.
  14. Yea I know about the time the servers are up and if its grey they are down. It just doesn't work on my version of IE in Vista I guess. Will try Firefox tonight. Sux if they can't fix the lag though. I hope they have US servers for this.
  15. The problem with the lag is that they use peer to peer for the smaller scale pvp, so one person is the host and everyone else connects to them...obviously you can see the problem there.
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    What could possibly go wrong there :huh:

    That method is about the worst I could think of for an MMOFPS lol
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    First Impressions:

    I did not get a chance to PvP tonight, but I did the number of noob missions all MMOs deal out. I kind of liked it. This game definitely will force you to PvP to upgrade any weapons or armor that you have.

    Lag was not noticeable to me tonight. Again, I did not PvP tonight. But setting up PvP matches seems to be a bitch. I tried to get into some matches, but either the host was sucking his thumb or all the games were full.

    Graphically, it was typical Korean based MMO product. Though the game seems to want you to play at 1024x768, at least right now. I tried to switch it to 1680x1050 and the game crashed on me. I'm sure that's a glitch in the game right now.

    I could totally see a small squad of Dragonwolves going into a cave to root out some big bad monster. I can also see the Dragonwolf banner flying high over the enemy bunker. But I want a taste of the PvP aspect before rendering a final decision.

    This game could grow on me.
  18. Finnally got in. Got an avenger (med range combat) up to 7. Not sure if you can go past 9 right now.

    Can only do the newbie training area seems.

    Not sure if you can do co-op missions in the training area.

    Was really suprised by the start or join a server someone else is hosting. Seems just like any normal multi-player fps. Not MMO at all to me. The action is ok, lots of UT bunny hopping, snipers pretty over powered, and the host has an insane advantage. I joined a few, lag on some was crazy, and cpl weren't to bad. Hosted one and I absolutely dominated the entire game and had easily twice the kills of 2nd place.
  19. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    From the chatter last night Daleon, you could do co-op instanced missions, or just go into the forest and do co-op clearing. I got my Avenger up to 6th level. I'll have time on Wednesday after 10pm EST to get on and try again. Perhaps anyone who has the beta and wants to try co-op missions can log in then. I've got a Human Avenger. Name is Sentrosi. I'm not 100% sure how they are doing clans, or if you can get them yet. But if they do, and we're all the same race, I'll look into setting up a CDL clan.

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